Councillor Ruth Dombey, Leader of Sutton Council, said:
“I am very pleased to welcome the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, to Sutton today to learn more about our ambitions and how with his help we can start to realise projects of global significance.
“We have an ambition in Sutton to create the world’s leading life-science district specialising in cancer research and treatment. The London Cancer Hub will be a global centre for cancer innovation providing state-of-the-art facilities and delivering real benefits for patients. Sutton Council and our partner, The Institute for Cancer Research, London, is working with supporting partners The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, the Greater London Authority and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust to turn this ambition into a reality.
“We have the opportunity to create a vibrant community of scientists, doctors and innovative companies, delivering real benefits for cancer patients and driving economic growth. The London Cancer Hub will deliver an exceptional environment for cancer research that enhances the discovery of new treatments and their development for patients. The project will also be a major boost to London’s life-science industry and the wider economy, locally and nationally. We have launched the Sutton Town Centre Masterplan and will soon publish our draft Local Plan. In both documents we set out ambitious and appropriate plans to provide new homes, jobs, schools and opportunities for people who live in and visit the borough.
“But we cannot deliver the London Cancer Hub or the new homes and transport links people need without the help of the Mayor and his office. Today we hope to have constructive conversations with the Mayor’s team to gain access to the land we need to realise the London Cancer Hub, ensure our local public transport can support the development of this world-leading site and how we can fund the project using both the public and private sectors.
“I hope I can soon share with you more news as our plans develop, bringing the London Cancer Hub ever closer.”