Jill, Alan and Hamish recently received a letter from the planners at Sutton Council regarding the Local Development Framework’s Site Development Policies Development Plan Document. This will affect how the Council decides on future planning applications in our local area, including of course Carshalton’s various and important Conservation Areas and the old buildings in and around the Village (such as the Old Forge, as illustrated), Carshalton Park and Park Hill.
The letter says:- “I am pleased to announce that the final version of the Council’s Site Development Policies Development Plan Document (Sites DPD) was adopted by the Council on 5th March 2012.
The Sites DPD supports the Council’s spatial vision, strategic objectives and spatial strategy set out in the adopted Core Planning Strategy (2009), identifying a range of sites to meet the development needs of the Borough and putting forward policies for managing development. It is therefore one of the major tools in facilitating development and renewal and bringing forward sites in the Borough in line with the Vision set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy and the Core Strategy. Together these documents replace the Sutton Unitary Development Plan (2003) and all saved policies.
The Sites DPD is the second development plan to be found sound and adopted, following the adoption of the Core Strategy in 2009. The South London Waste Plan was also adopted at full Council on 5 March 2012. This means that Sutton is one of only a small handful of local authorities to have reached this milestone of three adopted DPDs.
Following adoption there is a statutory six week period of legal challenge from the date of adoption (i.e. 5th March to 16th April). Details of possible grounds for a legal challenge are given in the adoption statement.
The Sites DPD, appendices and accompanying documents can be viewed on the website at www.sutton.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=4905. Alternatively a copy of the documents on CD can be provided on request.
If you have any questions regarding the Site DPD please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 8770 6416 or Sally Blomfield on 020 8770 6253.”
Yours sincerely,
Dean James, Planning Officer, Strategic Planning”