GLA Election: for Sutton & Croydon: Abigail Lock

Abigail and Hamish discuss issues by Carshalton Ponds

Abigail Lock, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Croydon and Sutton, met EastLondonLines to discuss her campaign.

In the videos below, she explains why the borough needs its police sergeants back, why she backs the Croydon incinerator and why she deserves your vote.

Lock is campaigning alongside Lib Dem mayoral candidate Brian Paddick, and says the party has a strong record in holding the mayor to account in the London Assembly.

Her pledges

• Lib Dems have a strong record of holding the Mayor to account.
• Investment in cheap housing and a new landlords’ charter to protect tenants
• In favour of the Croydon and Sutton incinerator: “The reality is that local authorities are now charged (by the EU) for any landfill that they put into the ground…everything that can be done to mitigate these risks is being done.”
• One hour ‘bus-hopping’ pass and ‘early bird’ fares for a dawn discount
• Keep three police stations open in both boroughs and return previous numbers of police sergeants to their streets

Below, she backs the Conservative-led incinerator proposal, which will see a waste facility built on the border of Croydon and Sutton, and explains why it’s necessary.

video clip 1

Lock also discussed the Lib Dems’ fare policy and urged more investment in affordable housing. She took the Mayor to task on his record of managing Transport for London and his handling of police numbers in the city.

video clip 2

Lock has been a council member for Sutton. She works for a social housing company and has previously worked for disability charity Scope.

She said: “None of my family are political, but I grew up as a child carer for my father who had multiple sclerosis, and I really felt I wanted to do something to support people who were in difficult situations.”

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