The Council’s highways officer presented a report at the July meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee seeking approval for safety improvements at King’s Lane (South) Bridge.
Committee chair Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: ” For many years, concerns have been raised locally about pedestrian, cyclist and driver safety on King’s Lane south bridge over the railway. Highways officers were asked to look at safety improvements. There were suggestions in the past of using mirrors at the bends which thehighways officers dismissed. The bridge is only 3.6 metres (12 feet) wide and only allows one line of traffic at a time. Approaches to the bridge are at very nearly 90 degree bends and the bridge parapets are a combination of solid brick with rails on top which makes the sight lines poor.”
There have apparently been 3 personal injuries at the junction between April 2008 and April 2011, and residents who use Warren Park have reported numerous “bumps” as cars failed to negotiate the difficult twists and turns safely.
The highways officer reported at the meeting that the proposals had been considered by the Council’s neighbouring Sutton South, Cheam and Belmont Local Committee, who had already accepted the scheme subject to further consultation. It was confirmed that the scheme would be funded from the Local Investment Plan, therefore at no cost to the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee.
The works include: Building out the footways on both sides of the junction which would slow and guide vehicles on a more visible line and provide a longer footway for pedestrians. The warning signs will be upgraded and re-positioned and be much more prominent.
The cost of implementing the complete scheme is £16,000. Other improvements, amounting to £500 will be made at the Carshalton end of the bridge.
It was agreed by the committee to carry out the implementation of this road safety improvement scheme at King’s Lane junction with Hillcroome Road, Sutton. More in a future posting…