What does Anti-Slavery Day and Child Trafficking mean to you? Do you shift about on your seat at the very mention of the word “sex”? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? Would you rather leave it to someone else to deal with?
An annual date was established last year to raise awareness about people including children in the UK and around the world who are exploited on a daily basis. We need to open up our hearts and minds, here and now – watch out for the signs that might and have been staring us in the face. Our personal embarrassment will not stop modern day slavery but the will and courage to act upon it, here and now, will help and save those caught up in the cruel world of human trafficking and slavery.
Sutton Council marked Anti-Slavery Day on Tuesday 18th October – please think about it and do something that will speak volumes – look at that child, look at that woman, look at that man – sign a pledge today!