Following representations made by local residents with the local councillors, we have recently been given the following information by the planning department of Sutton Council in connection with some of the planning permission conditions and other matters concerning Wentworth Hall, 80 Ruskin Road, Carshalton, at the junction with Woodstock Road.
Entrance. In relation to the entrance on Ruskin Road, the planningcondition states that the development shall not be occupied, until a scheme providing access from the highway to the building, shall be submitted to and approved by the Council. The scheme shall comply with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Council. The reason for this wording is that the Planning Enforcement Case Officer has spoken to Building Control and it is not clear that there is a statutory requirement that an appropriate ramp has to be provided here, bearing in mind there is ramped access on the
Ramp to the Woodstock Road frontage. We raised concerns about the steepness of the proposed ramp at the front of the building, which did not appear to meet with current Building Regulations, and we are advised that it would require a meeting with the applicant and Building Control to resolve this, possibly also involving Property Services as landowners, as it might have implications for the internal layout. We are also advised that an appropriate ramp would take up most of the Ruskin Road frontage, leaving little room for significant landscaping as requested by councillors.
Landscaping. In relation to landscaping all the details have been reserved for Council approval. The planning condition states that the landscaping to be submitted for approval shall incorporate a significant amount of soft landscaping including trees.
External Staircase. In relation to the external staircase Building Control have advise it could only be fully enclosed (i.e. with a door at the bottom) if the staircase was extended to provide a landing at the bottom first. This would result in the extended enclosed staircase enclosing a window, and for fire prevention purposes that window, and possibly adjoining windows would have to be blocked up. Since it is not straightforward the condition will require all the details of screening to be submitted and approved. A balance will have to be struck between the amenity of adjoining residents, and the light/ventilation requirements of Wentworth Hall.
Notice of the Development Control Meeting. In relation to the concern expressed by some residents about the Council’s planning department giving residents only a week’s notice of the application being heard at the Development Control Committee, the Council’s records show that the invite letters were sent out on 27th July, some twelve days before the last Development Control Committee at which the application was decided. It is not possible to send them out earlier as the final decision on what applications would be on that Agenda was only taken the day before. As the Council’s Development Control Committees are generally held on a 2/3 week cycle it is not possible to have a longer lead-in period.
Dormer Windows. In relation to concerns expressed by local residents, the rear dormer windows the condition on the planning permission requires them to be glazed with obscure glass and fixed shut in a manner that they cannot be opened and so maintained. The Council’s Planning Enforcement Team are aware that at the moment they are capable of being opened and this matter is being actively pursued with the applicant to permanently fix the windows shut. At the moment of course the building is unoccupied so there is no actual loss of privacy. It is also of relevance to point out that the bottom of the windows are about 2 metres above the internal first floor level so even when occupied, if the windows were capable of being opened, actual overlooking of nearby properties would not occur.