Carshalton Central ward Cllrs. Alan Salter and Hamish Pollock gave up some of their Saturday time (16th Feb.) to sell books on behalf of fund raising for the cost of the FOCUS newsletters at the regular stall in Sutton High Street, in a tented pitch almost outside Waterstones.
Most of the good quality, clean paperback books on sale sell for 50p each – a real bargain! Hardbacks on sale might be a bit more expensive. There’s a huge fiction section and lots of non-fiction subjects on offer. Jams, marmalades, CDs and DVDs are also inexpensively priced.
If you have any books or CDs or DVDs you want to get rid of please let us know and we will put you in touch with the organiser of the book stall. The next two dates for the stall are Saturday 16th March and 27th April. Be there if you like books etc…..!