Possible Supermarket No. 3 in Carshalton High Street – The Town Planner’s Guide

There has been a fair bit of speculation recently about the possibility of a 3rd supermarket in Carshalton High Street on the north side next door to Park Lane Pharmacy.  We believe the rumours are referring to what are known officially as Units A, B and C of Beacon Grove, on the north side of Carshalton High Street.

No planning application has been received by Sutton  Council from Tescos or any other supermarket chain (or their agents) in relation to these properties and council planning officers tell us that they not aware of any other proposals. However, as their last use was retail, planning permission would not be needed for a change of use to another retail use such as a supermarket.

Planning permission would only be needed if they were proposing to change the shopfronts, and advertisement consent would probably be needed for any signage they wanted.  It should be pointed out that having a second supermarket in Carshalton High Street in the form of Sainsbury’s (despite the misgivings of many local residents) seems to have encouraged foot fall in the High Street and it is a great credit to the traders that the vast majority of shops are surviving this recession thus  far.  The local supermarkets of course provide much needed local jobs, especially for younger and older people in these difficult times.

Nearby Wallington also has a growing list of supermarkets in the form of Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Lidl, the new store by the station approach and a 5th store in the form of another Sainsbury’s at Canon Court we understand is coming on line soon.


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