Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “In response to residents’ recent concerns about congestion in Shorts Road owing to inconsiderate parking, the Council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee agreed to go ahead with the proposed double yellow lines at its meeting held on Tuesday evening, 16th April 2013. These double yellow lines will complete the run of yellow lines running along the east side of the road in Shorts Road adjacent to the St. Philomena’s School high wall.
The local committee chair, Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “The council will therefore go now through the usual legal procedures, and the double yellow lines will be installed as soon as can be achieved.”
As a resident of new buildings in shorts road I would like to express my view in that incifficient parking has been made available to us and with marked bays along the area to us . This is not our doing and obviously at time if viewing we assumed more parking was available to us. All while building going on and vehicles were parked outside 1-4 shorts road nothing was done until we moved in. Now lines are to be put along this area and other areas down shorts road it is only making it difficult for tennants to park . The whole area is very restricted to start with and as a tax payer council tax payer and rent payer car tax payer I feel very cheated by London transport, Sutton council and metropolitan as a whole who did not look at this before and prevent the problem before moving in !!!! I was told 3.1 metre was the gap required and on measuring the gap at 1-4 is sufficient although I have measure 13 roads in area less than this that have no restrictions …. We were not given a chance from start !!!
Dear Amanda, thanks for your message. You raised some good points. However as I mentioned to you when we met recently, the parking standards for new developments in either Sutton or the rest of the UK are not something that the council can control as these are largely laid by the UK government’s planning legislation. The development was precisely opposed by the local residents and local councillors on grounds that there was completely insufficient parking available in the area! Yours sincerely Hamish Pollock, Carshalton Central ward councillor