Borough chiefs will be quizzed later this month as local people get the chance to ask their questions of Sutton’s decision makers.
Council leader, Cllr Ruth Dombey, Deputy Leader, Cllr Colin Hall, Sutton Youth MP, Johnoi Joseph, and Chief Executive of Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, Matthew Hopkins will be taking part in Sutton’s version of TV’s Question Time.
It is the second public Question Time to take place in the borough with the previous session being well attended. The live audience pose questions directly to the panel who then discuss their answers with guests.
Cllr Ruth Dombey, Leader of Sutton Council said: “We want people to come forward with their questions so that we can help them to better understand the business of the council and decisions made here in Sutton.
“This public forum is the ideal opportunity for the people we serve to speak to us and address issues they have. As borough representatives we have a responsibility to be as open and transparent as possible and this is another way in which we are achieving this.”
To take part residents need to come forward in advance and claim one of the limited number of tickets available. To claim a space, email and a ticket will be issued or call Simon Bishop on 020 8770 4394 for more information.
The evening will take place at Greenshaw School on Wednesday 22 May 2013 between 7pm and 9pm and be hosted by the head teacher Will Smith.
Residents who aren’t able to attend Sutton Question Time but would still like to take part, can do so on Twitter. Sutton Question Time will be live tweeted throughout, with the opportunity for the panel to hear some of the points raised using #suttonqt