Local Councillors Jill Whitehead and Hamish Pollock spent a very enjoyable hour or two exploring the huge variety of features in the grounds of the Ecology Centre, Festival Walk off Honeywood Walk, Carshalton on Sunday 2nd June 2013 with Barbara O’Keeffe and Angela Baughan, who are both on the committee of the Friends of the Sutton Ecology Centre and Carshalton residents.
There is indeed a lot to explore at the Ecology Centre and a visit at any time is highly recommended! Afterwards why not have a refreshment at the tea rooms of the Heritage Centre almost next door.
Please click on: https://www.sutton.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1627 and https://sites.google.com/site/friendsofsuttonecologycentre/ for information about the grounds and the Friends group respectively.