Grosvenor Avenue Traffic Calming Update


Grosvenor Avenue Carshalton in quieter times...

Grosvenor Avenue Carshalton in quieter times…

The Council is conducting a consultation about traffic calming proposals in Grosvenor Avenue: all households in that road and Park Avenue are being consulted on these proposals. 

Transport for London has provided Local Implementation Plan funding of £30,000 for traffic calming measures in Grosvenor Avenue. They have agreed to fund three traffic islands, two speed indicator signs and double yellow lines at the islands if these are also required. TfL do not encourage the use of road humps, cushions or any other form of vertical deflection as a method of controlling speeds.  Subject to consultation it is proposed to install traffic islands outside Numbers 34, 84 and 98 Grosvenor Avenue and flashing speed signs outside Numbers 19 and 74.

A letter and plan showing details of the proposals were distributed 10 June, to all residents in Grosvenor Avenue and Park Avenue. The consultation finishes on 5 July 2013.

The results of consultation will be discussed with the Chair of the Committee, Cllr. Hamish Pollock and the other local councillors.

If residents don’t wish to have the currently-proposed traffic calming measures put in place, then all they need to do is to say so in the current consultation.  There is no proposal for 20MPH or road closures or anything else on the table for Grosvenor Avenue, only the proposals being consulted on.

The six councillors on the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee will then make a decision accordingly at the next local committee meeting. Residents can also make their detailed points of view known on the enclosed consultation form and also by actually attending the next local committee on 10th September 2013 when this matter will be discussed.  The meeting will be held at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches. You are welcome to attend and take part in the discussion.Local residents were indeed consulted about previous traffic calming options a few years’ back (in around 2009/2010 when a more expensive scheme was then proposed) when the committee was under a different chairmanship.
Many residents have asked a number of local councillors for some measures to be put in place for some years… This demand for traffic calming goes as far back as around 1991 or so when something called the Glebe Residents Association (which covered the three roads that abutted Glebe Road, namely Grosvenor Avenue, Gordon Road and Blakehall Road) was founded by residents primarily concerned about traffic issues.

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