Your local FOCUS team does try to keep you the residents informed about all major applications and to represent local residents when applications are likely come to the development control committee, usually if they are deemed to be “major” applications or if there have been at least 10 letters of objection from local residents.
Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “Sutton Council has recently received a planning application for a house at the land to the side of number 1 Byron Gardens, in the Poets’ Estate, Sutton”.
Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “The application is for the erection of a part one part two storey 4 – bedroomed end of terrace house together with two car parking spaces and widening of existing access. You can view all the details and comment upon the plans on line by clicking on:
Cllr. Alan Salter says: “You can also write to the council’s planners at 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton SM5 2jG quoting the planning application number C2013/67421.
The main grounds on which you can object to this development are:
– Over-development/over-intensity of building
– Development on back garden land
– Overlooking neighbours and blocking their light
– Building not in keeping with other homes
– Parking problems/safety
– Removal of street or garden trees
You cannot object on house value grounds, and as each application is taken on its own merit, you cannot compare it to any other local planning application. Precedent is also not a valid planning objection for the same reason.”