A message has been received from a good cause…
Hi, we’re raising funds for three youth club projects in Sutton, in the estates in Clockhouse, Shanklin and Roundshaw;
Could I ask you please to send this information on to anyone you think would like to donate, volunteer or help in any way, for more information on the individual projects please visit
Clockhouse: https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/clockhouseyc
Shanklin: https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/suttonshanklinyc
Roundshaw: https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/suttonroundshawyc
Or to find out more about our charity and the work we do, visit www.scyp.co.uk or call or mail me at the addresses below if you have any questions.
I hope you feel these are interesting and you will want to help. Thank you for your time.
Kind regards
Joyce Quinnell
CEOSurrey Clubs for Young People
Office: 01306 898006
Mobile: 07824 380121Email: joyce@scyp.co.uk