Parents applying for a school place next year are being urged to make their application online.
Local school governor Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Borough parents and carers applying for places for their children at nursery, primary, junior or secondary schools can put forward their preferences online any time from now in order to apply for a place for September 2014 entry.”
This year is the first time applications made for nursery and junior schools will also be accepted online.
Anyone with children in Sutton must apply through Sutton Council before the deadline of Thursday 31 October 2013 for secondary school places and Wednesday 15 January 2014 for primary, junior and nursery school places. Parents who miss these deadlines risk not getting a school of their preference.
Parents who apply online will receive early access to the notification of the outcome, no risk of forms going missing in the post, no postage costs, and a safe, secure online system.
There is also an online guidance booklet which outlines the full application process and explains what parents need to do in order to apply for a school place for their child. Parents can view this, the new home to school distance checker, watch a tutorial video, and apply online at
Cllr Dave Callaghan, Chair of the Children, Family and Education Committee said: “We are proud of our borough’s schools and know our residents feel the same with many of them moving to the area so their children can attend one. Reports have also shown that while our schools remain extremely popular, for example, over 80% of applicants get their first choice secondary school – more than almost anywhere else in London. I’d urge parents and carers to log-on before the deadline and fill out the online application form to make their preferences known.”
Parents without internet access at home can use the internet for free at any local library or attend assisted sessions in the Library @ the Phoenix Centre, Wallington, on Monday 16 September 9.30am-1.30pm and Tuesday 17 September 2-6pm; and at the Civic Offices, Sutton on Wednesday 25 September 2-6pm and Thursday 26 September 9.30am-1.30pm. No appointment necessary, drop in at any time.