Secondary school places in Sutton borough: Admissions….

School admissions: Secondary school admissions operate on a preference based system, and it is not always possible to offer every child their top preference or, in a small number of cases, any of their preferences. Sutton local education authority’s firm recommendation is for parents to consider all schools local to them – whether in Sutton or in neighbouring Boroughs – and to try to use all of their six preferences.

With regard to any parent home educating their children, whilst this is a suitable arrangement for some families, the Council’s education department would not advise a parent to maintain this whilst waiting for a preferred school, particularly if they are some way down the waiting list; once term is in full flow, movement is very slow and a place may not come up for months or even years, if at all.

Within the admissions system, all schools must consider applicants equally, regardless of which Borough they reside in, and we have to be midlful of the principles of the Greenwich Judgement.

This Greenwich judgement required that schools must not treat pupils living outside the local authority area in which the school is located less favourably just because they live outside the area. To simplify, this means that a catchment area or areas cannot, when taken together, align entirely with the home local authority’s boundary.

Whilst competition for places at the grammar schools is fierce, if out-Borough students were not considered, the standards for entry would not be affected and the same test pass marks would exist. If their child is of grammar school standard, and this is a route they wished to consider, we would recommend they take the test at the appropriate time.

The admissions literature is clear on the types of school in Sutton, and how the application process works. More detailed information is given on school open evenings and any parent meetings the primary schools hold to discuss transition.

With regard to school places, there is a report publically available on the internet about school places (the Council’s Children, Family and Education Committee -being held on Thursday, 10th October 2013.) which states that subject to Committee approval, local grammar schools will be expanded in Sutton, as well as comprehensive schools.  Details of which schools are stated in the report (visit for details).  The report also states that secondary expansion is not required until September 2015 and we are planning accordingly for this date. 

Local residents may wish to familiarise themselves with the above report, which for the secondary sector is succinct.  Sutton Council is working with Secondary Headteachers with regard to Phase 2 (September 2016) and a longer term strategy which may include a new secondary school.

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