We are very pleased to hear that Ruth Shaw has been awarded an OBE.
Ruth Shaw lives in the borough and has worked in local politics for over 60 years. She represented Sutton & Cheam as a Liberal on the Greater London Council from 1973 – 77 and in the early 1960s she had been a Liberal councillor on Sutton & Cheam borough council (as it then was) and was a Liberal Democrat Councillor for London Borough of Sutton Council from 1986 – 2002 representing Worcester Park North ward.
Many of us have known Ruth for very many years She is a committed community worker, with drive and determination. It was Ruth who introduced the Hoppa Bus Service. For many she is also something of a guru on local planning matters.
Jill, as a young Liberal, worked with Ruth on many local campaigns in the 1970s. Hamish worked closely with her for four years on the council’s highways and transportation committee which Ruth chaired in the 1990s as well as on the development control and environment committees.
The photo shows Ruth being made an honorary Alderman in 2011 and being handed her charter by then Mayor Gerry Jerome. At the time Cllr Sean Brennan who is now the current mayor said: “Ruth has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of people in Sutton. The motion received cross party support and the vote was unanimous, which demonstrates just how well respected she is. “We have not appointed an honorary alderman for over 30 years, so it is not a decision we make likely, however Ruth fully deserves the title and it was an honour to propose the motion.”
I remember Ruth Shaw when she lived in the Malden Road Cheam in the 1950’s. I jo8ined the Young Liberals under Joe Grimmond in 1959 at the age of 16 and we used to meet at the Red Cross Hall (since demolished) in North Cheam. I wonder if Ruth remembers Brian Twyman. David Eagles who were all members then. I have a rather crumbled newspaper cutting taken at a party we had at the Red Cross Hall in 1960.
Kay (nee White) Serras. I lived with my parents at 75 Malden Road, Cheam in 1956. Before that we lived at 63 Malden Road, Cheam from 1947-1956. This is when we first moved to Cheam.
Dear Katharine
Thanks for the message. The posting was made on our web site sometime ago. You may wish to write to Ruth Shaw yourself. I think she still lives in Wordsworth Drive, Cheam but I may be incorrect in this. David Eagle is also still involved with the local Lib Dems.