Safer Sutton Trader Scheme

The Safer Sutton Trader Scheme has been running since 2007 following a re-launch of the Building Confidence Scheme and provides Sutton residents with a list of traders that have been vetted by Sutton Trading Standards to ensure that they are suitable to work in the homes of elderly and vulnerable people. The scheme is designed to give confidence to Sutton residents looking for a bone fide trader and its primary purpose is to help in the fight against doorstep crime. There are currently 62 traders on the list.

The scheme is jointly promoted by Sutton Trading Standards and the police in training seminars, talks to residents groups and colleagues and is mentioned in all relevant press releases. It is recognised and distributed by the Sutton CAB, Age UK, Social Services and Sutton Library.

A vinyl sticker is provided as part of the scheme for members to display on vehicles and premises to demonstrate a commitment to the scheme as well as promoting and raising the profile of the scheme.

Sutton Council

Sutton Council

The Safer Sutton Trader scheme is advertised on the council website and at events such as the St Helier Festival and various business events.

The list is also available as a paper version at the Civic Offices or by contacting the council where the latest edition can be posted out. It is also available as a searchable website attached to the main council website at The website also contains information about partner organisations and an Awareness pack for general legal advice along with the full paper edition of the scheme. When available, the scheme is also promoted in Council Directories and distributed throughout the borough. We are always keen to promote the Scheme as widely as possible to attract new members and to encourage new services into the scheme. However we do have limited resources to devote to the Scheme.

Members of the Scheme have to renew every year and provide up to date documents, CRB checks, details and entries, thus maintaining the standard and commitment to the ethos of the scheme. An annual fee is also payable.

The Safer Sutton Trader Scheme website and booklet has the option for residents to log a complaint or comment about a trader. Any feedback is always followed up with the aim of resolving any concerns. Should the matter prove to be serious then the scheme has policies in place for the removal of membership. To date the Council have received a handful of complaints, all of which have been satisfactorily resolved.

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