Flooding Update …now over the worst?

The flood alert for the River Wandle is no longer in force and despite the water table being extremely high Sutton has so far avoided the devastating levels of flooding seen in neighbouring boroughs.

Concerned residents should check the Environment Agency website for updates www.environment-agency.gov.uk or call their floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quickdial 173813 for up-to-date flooding information.

Sutton Council is continuing to work with partner organisations to monitor local flood risk, respond to issues and clear up storm damage.

36 trees came down in the strong winds on Friday night and further damage was caused to an additional 16 large trees. The council’s environment team is managing the clear up and ensuring that the trees are safe.

The work that Sutton Council and partners Thames Water and the Environment Agency carried out ahead of the storms last week reduced the potential for flooding to affect homes and businesses in Carshalton.

Over the weekend there was some overrun of the Grotto Canal into Carshalton High Street, but the road gullies were able to cope and directed the water away from properties.

The council is still on the ground in Carshalton, and we will continue to work with partners to identify flood risk and avoid flood damage.

If you are worried about flooding then please contact the Environment Agency via:

•   Floodline: 0845 988 1188
•   Twitter: @EnvAgency
•   Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk/
•   If, for some reason, you lose power in your home or business premises please contact:
•   UK Power Networks (emergencies and power cuts) on 0800 028 0247 or via Twitter @UKPowerNetworks
•   National Grid (Gas emergency) on 0800 111 999 or via Twitter @nationalgriduk

General advice and information

•   Avoid flood areas and make sure to keep children and pets away
•   Wash your hands thoroughly if you touch flood water as it may be contaminated
•   Basements, cellars, garages and ground floors may be affected
•   Be prepared to protect yourself, family, pets and property
•   Check pumps and any other flood protection equipment you may have
•   Keep a regular eye on local water levels and weather conditions
•   Tune into weather updates, news and travel bulletins on local television and radio
•   Avoid walking, cycling or driving through flood water
•   Be aware that flooding can cause manhole covers to come off


Local authorities do not have a statutory duty to provide sandbags to residents or businesses, however we do hold a stock of sandbags which we will use to protect the most vulnerable residents.

We are working with the Environment Agency, Thames Water and Transport of London to monitor rising water levels and we will prioritise protecting infrastructure such as electrical sub stations or keeping essential access routes open for emergency and essential services.

Householders are encouraged to plan for and put in place their own flood protection and they should contact their local builders’ merchants for stocks of bags and sand. Alternatively, suppliers of modern non-sand bags designed for flooding can be found on the National Flood Forum Blue Pages Directory – http://www.bluepages.org.uk.

For further information on preparing for flooding, please visit the Environment Agency’s website www.environment-agency.gov.uk or call their floodline on 0845 988 1188 using quickdial 173813.

Flood Risk Management

In 2010, the Flood and Water Management Act received Royal Ascent. As a result of this legislation the London Borough of Sutton (‘Sutton Council’) is now a Lead Local Flood Authority. This means that the council is responsible for co-ordinating the management of flood risk from surface water, groundwater and ordinary watercourses.

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