On Friday 7th March Age UK Sutton is holding their next flagship ‘Know your rights day’.
There will be financial help and advice, support with debt, practical help to claim benefits, information about how to access direct payments for social care, help with NHS costs and free sessions with a local solicitor.
For those struggling with paying for the basics such as rent or a mortgage, fuel bills or weekly shopping then the Age UK Sutton team will be available between 10am – 2pm at:
· Barclays Bank, 43 High Street, Sutton; or
· Outside TazZa Coffee shop , 188 High Street, Sutton
(where their new advice van will be parked)
There are limited free sessions with the solicitor so please book in advance.
For more information call 020 8770 4510 or email advice@ageuksutton.org.uk
Judy Okeke
Individual Services Senior Manager
AGE UK Sutton