Opportunity Sutton leading the way …

Sutton has been attracting more than £350 million in new investment into the borough in less than two years. This is no mean feat and did not suddenly happen of its own accord.

Cllr. Alan Salter says: “It is the result of the hard work of our fellow Cllr. Jayne McCoy (pictured below) and Lib Dem controlled Sutton Council’s Economic Renewal and Regeneration officers together with our Council’s Planning teams that the borough has seen the North Sutton gas holder site get planning permission – an investment worth £85 million on its own, and the biggest development the borough has seen; whilst Sutton Point, Victoria House, Subsea 7, the Burger King site, Sutton Super Bowl and the Energy from Waste facility all now also have approval to start development. These developments on their own expect to bring with them over 1,700 jobs.”

Jayne McCoyIn Hackbridge Felnex have put in development plans, and the Wandle Valley Trading Estate are having their application decided imminently, with the potential for yet more local jobs.

In terms of marketing Sutton and attracting new businesses we have seen Metro Bank, Uno Tapas and Patisserie Valerie open up branches in Sutton providing between them 65 new jobs.

Incidentally Carshalton Central Cllr. Hamish Pollock “opened” the Patisserie Valerie shop in Sutton High Street when he served as the borough’s Deputy Mayor two years ago.

The establishment of ‘Successful Sutton’, the town centre Business Improvement District means existing businesses investing an additional £2 million in Sutton.

Then we have the funding won through bids to the Mayor’s Outer London Fund and Transport For London amounting to over £4.5 million invested in improving Hackbridge, North Cheam & Worcester Park, and the Sutton Station Gateway Scheme.

Of the £1 million the council set aside to support the Opportunity Sutton programme of work, less than half has been spent, which means our £350 million is a fantastic return on our investment. Long may this good work continue…

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