Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Sutton Council has received a planning application no. C2014/69012 for the redevelopment of a historic building in Carshalton.
Development Control Committee member, Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “The application is for the demolition of part ground floor, part first floor at rear and internal alterations and replacement with a part one storey with roof accommodation, part two storey with roof accommodation extension and conversion of existing office space at ground and first floor levels to provide self contained accommodation comprising three 2-bedroomed maisonettes and three 3-bedroomed terraced houses; a separate detached two storey building with roof accommodation at rear comprising three 2-bedroomed maisonettes together with nine car parking spaces, internal cycle storage within main building, refuse and recycling facilities, private and communal amenity spaces and hard and soft landscaping.”
Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: I have de-delegated this planning application for the following reasons. I believe that it is overdevelopment in a conservation area, seeks to put development on a back garden car park not previously developed, and will overlook and block the view and light to many local residents’ properties. In particular it will come right up the edge of and block the view and light of one of the most historic and important buildings in Carshalton, namely West Street Lodge (built c 1738).
Jill adds: “I also understand that the boundary wall is authenticated 17th century by Andrew Skelton (and therefore needs to be conserved) and may belong to the Hope Public House and not to the owners of London House. Additionally there is an important tree in the car park area which may need to be protected. West Street Lodge features on page 119 of the “Book of Carshalton” by Wilkes and Rookledge, published in 2002, where its historical importance is highlighted. The book says that West Street Lodge was the very first Rectory in Carshalton, built in 1738. Sutton Council has recently applied for and will be applying to the Heritage Lottery fund for protection of several historical buildings in Carshalton, this planning application fits very uneasily with conservation status for this area.