Jill, Alan and Hamish took up residents’ concerns about the deliveries to the large block of flats construction site at 229-245 Carshalton Road at the corner with Shorts Road. The council’s planning enforcement officers have been in dialogue with the developers, Oakwood Group, to deal with the Shorts Road / bus stop issues.
The developer has prepared a Project Execution Plan and explained to the planning enforcement officers that they have recently agreed a temporary suspension of the loading bay on Carshalton Road with Transport for London who control the Red Route along the A232 Carshalton Road, between 10am and 3pm Mondays to Fridays for the duration of the project.
This will be the developer’s principal location for the lion’s share of deliveries going forward and full details of how this process will be properly managed are contained in the report. Their view is that by reducing dependency on the Shorts Road access they will improve matters on the ground. This will form the basis of a formal application to amend a Planning Condition which they apparently will issue to the Council’s planning department imminently.
They discussed the bus stop on Carshalton Road with the council’s planning enforcement officers and they advised that we have agreed with TfL to relocate the hoarding further back towards the site and to provide a gantry which will serve as a temporary shelter during the Works. This will take place in the next week to 10 days.
The developers claimed that they are “doing their utmost” to manage the site operations and to ensure minimum disruption for all intersted parties for the duration of the project. They say that they are committed to working with the council to maintain good neighbourly relations. More in a future posting..!