Save our Pharmacies – Tom Brake’s Campaign


Many residents, whether they are young or old or have children, use local pharmacies. Pharmacists take pressure off GPs and St Helier’s A&E, meaning people in need of urgent care are seen more quickly. They don’t just give out medicines — pharmacies can provide medical assistance and advice and treat minor ailments.
Earlier this year the Government had decided that £170 million would be cut from pharmacies in 2016/17.

That would be an estimated £660,000 cut for Sutton’s pharmacies or the closure of 11 pharmacies in our borough — or 1 in 4 of them!

I was and remain concerned about these proposals which are nothing more than a backdoor health cut. When I met with local pharmacists, they told me that the reasons for the changes were not explained and the public will receive a worse service because of the cuts.

Although I welcome this week’s pause in Government plans for these cuts, the battle isn’t over yet. Knowing this Government, their ‘pause’ could easily switch into an attack on pharmacies. We must all remain vigilant.

So… will you add your voice to my campaign?

I will continue to work with our local pharmacists in putting pressure on the Government to abandon these plans once and for all.


Tom Brake MP

PS. Please forward this email onto friends, family, and neighbours who may want to sign the petition.

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