The Government’s Big Energy Saving Week may be over, but the MP for Carshalton and Wallington Tom Brake is reiterating the importance of energy efficiency.
Tom said “Every pound counts in times like these, and the cold season isn’t doing much to help that. Big Energy Saving Week proved to be a wonderful opportunity to help everyone in the community save money on energy bills by doing things such as installing proper insulation, turning off unnecessary lights, and unplugging appliances.”
£1.1 billion has become available through the Warm Home Discount, and a further £48 million through the Warm Front scheme, so Sutton residents are advised to make use of these funds and others to keep their energy bills low and home temperatures high. Tom will also be doing his bit to ensure his home and office are energy efficient.
Tom said, “Every little bit does so much to eliminate wasteful energy output and save money. I urge everyone to find out how you can make life easier for yourself and others by cutting down on energy consumption and cashing in on these savings.”
For advice about how to cut your energy output and to find out what funds are available to you, visit