Rotherfield Road/Lakin Close Development Update


Scaffolding around the on-going Building Works, Rotherfield Road/Lakin Close

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: “Works continue with the development of nine houses in Rotherfield Road and Lakin Close between the High Street and All Saints’ School, Carshalton.”  There are adverts in Bairstow Eves Estate Agents in the High Street for the development.

Rather Absurd One-way System at Carshalton Station

Network Rail did not notify the local council of this newly installed and rather absurd one-way system (going North Street to West Street only) and although they are not required to do so, it would have been courteous of them to have consulted with the Council over the proposed changes.  It runs parallel with the long-standing one-way (North Street to West Street) in Camden Road

The Council officers that the three ward councillors for Carshalton Central have spoken to have asked the Traffic Manager to speak to the relevant officer at Network Rail and request that we should be consulted on any future proposals that will affect Sutton’s road network. 

More in a future posting!

Repair to bridge in Shorts Road near the junction with Westmead Corner


Shorts Road closed a couple of weeks ago

As residents will be probably aware, the repair to the brickwork on the bridge is now complete.

The work required scaffolding to be erected and due to an insufficient road width a road closure was required and Network Rail notified the Council and local residents were informed in turn as they are required to do.  The actual works were started and completed on time (2nd April to 15th April) and programmed to be undertaken during the Easter holidays to minimise any traffic disruption.

Westcroft Road Streetcare

Carshalton Central Ward councillors have raised with the powers-that-be the issue of the much-needed re-painting of the street lamp column in Westcroft Road near the junction with the High Street

We’re told that this column is the responsibility of TfL and we have recently requested that it should be painted.  The Council’s officers will re-submit this request to TfL and ask them to let us know when the work has been undertaken.  If this is not undertaken within a reasonable timescale, we will chase again.

Benhill Recreation Ground Lavender Planting

Cllr. Alan Salter joined residents and other local Lib Dem councillors in a lavender planting session at Benhill Recreation Ground off Harold Road on Saturday, 21st April, on a day which of course coincides with the 86th birthday of Her Majesty the Queen.

Residents and councillors admire the newly planted lavender plants in Benhill Recreation Ground

Cedar Close awaits its fate

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: “I took this photo on Sunday, 22nd April 2012 of Cedar Close, off Salisbury Road, Carshalton”.

Cedar Close awaits its fate

The disused single-storey housing development awaits its fate and the redevelopment of the site is expected soon.

Councillors Visit Water Tower


Water Tower, Carshalton

The three ward councillors visited the Water Tower, West Street on Saturday. It’s in the grounds of St. Philomena’s School and built around 1720. It’s worth a visit.

Jill Whitehead with others who attended the visit to the Water Tower

The Wrythe Recreation Ground

Following receipt of complaints from a local resident, Cllr. Jill Whitehead raised the issue of the lighting in Brookfield Avenue. Sutton Council installed new lighting in the road only two years ago as part of its rolling programme to replace the time-expired and worn out concrete columns in the Borough.  It has been confirmed that all the newish street lights are working as planned. There is a lighting column situated directly opposite the park gates to the Wrythe Recreation Ground at the junction with Wrythe Lane that provides adequate lighting to the park entrance. There isn’t any lighting within the park itself.

Carshalton War Memorial Update

The working party for the Carshalton War Memorial have recently been looking at ways of adapting the existing War Memorial at Carshalton Ponds in order to add the names of the 300-400 victims of the World War Two on to the blank panels of the existing war memorial which currently only displays the names of the fallen from World War One. 

Carshalton War Memorial: The Existing Stone Panels with WW1 victims' Names Inscribed

Cllr. Hamish Pollock has prepared a detailed drawing (extract of the proposal drawing is as attached link) which was circulated to the community representatives and councillors present at the recent meeting of the working party. 

The complete drawing that is being priced at present shows the War Memorial “As Existing” and “As Proposed”.  It is proposed that the proposal drawings are fully costed out and that, if the scheme is approved by the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee, and then the Government officials (and English Heritage etc.) responsible for such matters, then the works could proceed at a cost of about £40,000 to inscribe by carving into the stone panels the 350-400  names of the fallen. 

The Royal British Legion are preparing the finalised list of the WW2 victims for inscription.

CARSH 002 extract

It is felt that this proposal to adapt the existing memorial rather than building a new one, is in close keeping with the local Conservation Area of Carshalton Village.  It is noted that the existing memorial has been adapted over the years with inscriptions for the years of both World Wars being added along with plaques for a small number of the fallen.

Sutton Citizens’ Advice Bureau

The Citizens Advice Bureau, 68 Parkgate Road, Wallington

Know someone who has a problem that the Council cannot answer, e.g. benefits, debt, legal rights etc.?
On behalf of Tom Brake’s office, we have been recently reminded that in addition to their national website, any member of the public can obtain a local Citizens Advice Bureau “call-back”, on a particular issue, by inserting contact details into this local website:
The first page (‘Profile’) is optional (just click ‘next’). The second page is where you can insert your contact details and the nature of the problem. 
You can also use the telephone number 020-8405 3552 but lines can get very busy first thing and at the beginning of the week.
We hope this is useful.