Jill and Hamish attended the all-party Council’s Development Control Committee meeting held at the Civic Offices in Sutton on Wednesday, 22nd February.
The planning application to extend the school on Rotherfield Road by the junction with Talbot Road to provide much needed additional accommodation was granted planning permission. The decision was made unanimously by all councillors of both parties for an extension to provide additional classrooms and alterations to the car park and play areas. To make room for these changes the planning approval includes the demolition of the now-empty caretaker’s house to the north of the school. The Rev. John Thewlis, Rector of All Saints’ Church, Carshalton, and chairman of the School Governors, addressed the committee in strong support of the application. Jill is a school governor.
It was felt by the whole committee that the approved scheme would not adversely affect the amenities of adjoining residential premises or result in a detrimental impact on highway safety or on-street parking in the vicinity such that a reason for refusal could be sustained on those grounds. There were a small number of local residents present at the meeting, one of whom spoke in strong opposition to the application.
The planning application details are as follows: no. C2011/65284/3FR Detailed description: Erection of a two storey extension to provide additional classrooms and associated accommodation, provision of three canopies, a single storey plant room, new boiler flue , extension to play area including new steps and retaining wall together with play area, enlargement of car park to provide a total of 23 spaces with new gates and vehicular access and car park works to include the demolition of existing dwelling within site boundaries.