Planning Appeal refused by planning inspector for new house at 1 Byron Gardens, Poets’ Estate, Sutton

Sutton Council refused the planning application Ref C2015/71087/FUL, dated 12th January 2015, on 17th March 2015 supporting local residents’ views that the scheme was unsuited to the site.

The applicant went to appeal to the planning inspector based in Bristol, as is allowed under planning law (the Appeal Ref No. is: APP/P5870/W/15/3008608), against the decision of Sutton Council.   The development proposed was for “the erection of one bed end-of-terrace residential property with associated parking and landscaping”.  The site is quite near the junction of Byron Gardens with Orchard Way, in the Poets’ Estate.

We have been advised today that the appeal has been dismissed.


The Grove Park and Jean Raffe (1936-2014)

Jean Raffe, a Carshalton Village resident for many years, was a stalwart supporter for very many years of The Friends of The Grove Park, Carshalton and she was the Friends’ secretary for many of them.

There is now a bench in The Grove Park in memory of her. (Photo courtesy of Cllr. Jill Whitehead)


Carshalton Park’s Newish Multi Gym and the 2015 Environmental Fair, August Bank Holiday Monday, 31st August 2015

007A pic from Cllr. Jill Whitehead of part of the newish multi-gym installed by Sutton Council using the council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse Committee’s public realm budget.

The Friends of Carshalton Park had asked for this equipment to be installed, sited in the area between the tennis courts, the playground and the main entrance path from Ruskin Road.

The 2015 Environmental Fair will be taking place in Carshalton Park on Bank Holiday Monday, 31st August 2015.

Jill, Hamish and Alan will be attending the Environmental Fair on August Bank Holiday. We’re due to be helping on one of the stalls selling lots and lots of good quality secondhand books!

Local booksellers: Cllr. Alan Salter and Jill Whitehead

Local booksellers: Cllr. Alan Salter and Jill Whitehead

Please visit Eco-Local’s web site for details. The following text has been cut-and-pasted from their web page!

Environmental Fair, Carshalton Park – August 31st Bank Holiday Monday 2015 – 10.30am-8pm

Put this date in your diary – come and visit Carshalton Environmental Fair for one of South London’s best days out! Over 150 stalls, children’s activities, local craft, interactive demonstrations, farmers’ market, music and performing arts, lots of tasty food, a bar with real ales and more, information, campaign groups and more…. showcasing local sustainability initiatives. There’s even a FREE bus to get you there! On average around 10,000 people attend. The event is organised by EcoLocal with a team of volunteers.

The Carshalton Environmental Fair is held in Carshalton Park , Ruskin Road, Carshalton, SM5 3DD – follow this link for more map link and bus details etc.

Children under 12 years: FREE
Concessionary & 12-16 years: £3
Adults: £5
Discount family ticket for up to 2 adults and 3 teenagers under 17: £15

Contact details:
Twitter: @envfair
Postal address – The Environmental Fair, Ecolocal, The Old School House, Mill Lane, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2LY


What’s On

There’s something for everyone at Carshalton Environmental Fair. Lots of children’s activities from facepainting, to craft activities and a pedal powered cycle challenge! Music and entertainment on three different stages to suit different tastes from rock to acoustic folk. Browse through over 150 stalls, craft, local produce. Speakers and info on environmental issues in the Carshalton Community Allotment marquee. Lots of tasty food, a bar and a cafe! Make a day of it! … [Read More…]



Would you like to lend a hand at the Fair? Over 60 volunteers helped run the fair in 2013 – it just wouldn’t happen without people taking part! If you would like to volunteer we’d be delighted to hear from you. … [Read More…]

Main Stage

Main Stage

The Main Stage presents a range of rock, pop and other genre. We aim to show case local and regional talent on this stage which is set in an amazing natural open air amphitheatre in the park. … [Read More…]

Music Cafe

Music Cafe

This stage provides a great atmosphere with folk, country, bluegrass and other acoustic music from around the world. Tea and home made cake is served in the marquee so this is the ideal spot to sit and relax! … [Read More…]


Sutton Council’s Cycling Strategy


Sutton Council has been a great supporter of sustainable transport over the years. This has included publishing a new Sustainable Transport Strategy last year and achieving a 75% increase in cycling during its Smarter Travel Sutton project which ran from 2006 to 2009.

Sutton Council is also a supporter of the Mayor of London’s Vision for Cycling and has recently been promised funds by Transport for London for two Quietway routes from Morden to Sutton and Worcester Park to Croydon.

Sutton’s draft Cycling Delivery Strategy is in line with the Mayor’s vision to encourage more non-car forms of transport to reduce road congestion, increase air quality and improve public health.

Why We Are Consulting

We would like to get your views on whether the objectives and targets in the draft Strategy  – which is attached below – are correct and ask whether you have any other suggestions about how cycling in the borough could be improved.

Give Us Your Views

A stamp for British hero Sir Nicholas Winton


Sir Nicholas Winton was a true British hero.

The man dubbed Britain’s Oskar Schindler passed away this month at the age of 106. He organised eight trains to take 669 unaccompanied children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia to safety in London.

He also helped to find foster families for the youngsters once they arrived in England but, in a mark of his incredible humility, did not speak about his astonishing bravery for half a century.

He was rightly honoured in his lifetime including with a knighthood from the Queen and a statue in his home town. But his name and the lesson that one person can make a difference even in the face of overwhelming evil, must live on. The rare honour of a Royal Mail stamp would help to achieve that while at the same time being a fitting tribute to Sir Nicholas.

Without Sir Nicholas, hundreds would not have lived and thousands more would not have been born. As Alf Dubs, one of those saved, wrote in the Guardian: “Nicky Winton was truly a special human being. A lesser person might have said: “It’s too difficult, not my problem.” He could easily have walked away but didn’t. I shall miss him dreadfully, as will the hundreds whose lives he saved as well as their children and grandchildren.”

David Cameron described Sir Nicholas as “a great man” whose humanity must never be forgotten while broadcaster Esther Rantzen said: “Not only did he save a generation of Czech Jewish children from the Holocaust, but he was a visionary who inspired thousands of today’s young people to believe that one person can really make a difference. He was far too modest himself to recognise that he was a tremendous force for good.”

“Sir Nicholas Winton was an incredible man whose selfless and courageous actions saved 669 children from the Holocaust. Anyone who has heard of him has learnt something about standing up against injustice. He was rightly recognised for his actions during his lifetime and this is a fitting tribute to ensure that his legacy will continue – we are delighted to be working with the Jewish News on this initiative.” – Karen Pollock MBE, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust

We can think of few others so deserving of a Royal Mail stamp. Please join the Jewish News in calling for this British hero to be recognised with a special stamp from the Royal Mail. The more support this campaign attracts the better chance we have of succeeding.

Sir Nicholas may have shied away from the ‘hero’ tag. For us he was the very definition of the word.

Sutton achieves Housing Zone status

The Mayor of London has approved Sutton Council’s bid to be one of London’s 20 new Housing Zones. The status is another boost for the council as it aims to stimulate housebuilding in Sutton. It is in addition to the council’s own house-building company which will build new housing for the first time since 1989.

The Sutton One Housing Zone, which incorporates Sutton Town Centre and Hackbridge, has identified 12 key sites for residential development – seven in the town centre and five in Hackbridge. Eight of these sites have been identified as priorities and will deliver more than 1,600 new homes, around a quarter of which will be affordable housing, with smaller one- and two-bedroom units in Sutton Town Centre and family housing on some of the development sites in Hackbridge.

Housing Zones are a collaborative effort between the Greater London Authority (GLA), the Government and London boroughs to streamline approval processes and speed up development in target areas where it has previously been held back, locking up valuable brownfield land when it could be used to meet London’s growing need for housing.  Housing Zone designation means Sutton will receive £175,000 of grant funding for pump-priming work to pre-develop the priority sites in preparation for the construction of new housing, including around 400 affordable homes.

The Sutton One Housing Zone area incorporates key development sites from just south of Sutton railway station and through into the town centre and northwards to the North Sutton gas-holder site. The area continues over to the Hackbridge area of the borough as this includes several development sites that complement the housing growth in the town centre area.

Cllr Jayne McCoy, Chair of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee at Sutton Council, said:

“We are doing everything we can to stimulate housebuilding in Sutton, particularly much-needed family housing. We have already set up our own housing development company to build council and private housing, and now our successful bid for Housing Zone status will create even more opportunities. Housing Zone designation will bolster the level of confidence by landowners and potential developers in our commitment to bring several opportunity sites forward for development. Sutton is one of 18 out of 20 promised Housing Zones across London that have been announced by the GLA, bringing the total number of homes to be created to just under 51,000, of which nearly one third will be affordable.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson said:

“We have worked very hard to reach our goal of 50,000 homes, and we’ve done it with two more Housing Zones to go. This scheme has proven extremely popular with boroughs, who have clearly been looking for just that extra bit of assistance in revving up their housebuilding to answer clear demand from Londoners. I could not be more pleased at the progress of this innovative scheme and the real outcomes it has delivered for our city.”

West Street – road closure from Monday, 17th August 2015 for road resurfacing and pedestrian crossing works

Alan, Hamish and Jill as your local councillors have received the following message today about the West Street – road closure from Monday, 17th August 2015 for road resurfacing and pedestrian crossing works. This will affect those residents living in West Street, the cottages in West Street Lane, Old Swan Yard, Sycamore Close, Colston Court and the surrounding area.
Dear Councillor,
In order to facilitate carriageway resurfacing and pedestrian traffic signal installation works in West Street, Carshalton the London Borough of Sutton intends to make a Temporary Traffic Management Order. You can view the Public Notice of Intent, plan and Draft Order by visiting our web site, selecting “View our Temporary Traffic Orders and Notices” and then selecting  the reference T30092 West Street, Carshalton. 
Further information on the temporary restrictions which will come into operation on Monday 17 August 2015 and with the works expected to take 16 days to complete can be obtained from Martin French Network Manager on  (tel 020 8770 6426020 8770 6426.)

Denise Thompson, Senior Business Support Officer,Streetworks & Traffic Management

Environment, Housing and Regeneration Directorate. London Borough of Sutton

24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2JG

TEL: + 44 (020-8770-6455020-8770-6455).

North Street news – new bus shelter by Carshalton Station (on opposite side to station)

Alan, Hamish and Jill are pleased to report that Sutton Council has successfully obtained funding from Transport for London or TfL to widen a section of footway and install a new bus shelter opposite the junction of North Street/Station approach.

This will provide a larger, covered waiting area for bus passengers and provide additional room for passing pedestrians. Sutton Council have consulted with TfL buses, who are happy with the proposal and we would also like to inform residents of Nos. 34,36 & 38 North Street of the council’s proposal. Local residents in the vicinity of the shelter will be informed shortly of further details.

Sutton’s primary schools are STARS that show the way in sustainable travel

Thirty-nine out of 40 primary schools in the London borough of Sutton have achieved a Transport for London’s STARS-accredited school travel plan.

Sutton Council is working in partnership with all the schools in the borough to encourage sustainable and active travel in order to provide pupils with regular exercise and the skills to travel safely and confidently. As a result, all but one of Sutton’s primary schools now have an accredited TfL’s STARS (Sustainable Travel: Active, Responsible, Safe) school travel plan.

The TfL accreditation programme promotes safe and more active travel behaviour across the borough. STARS helps to give pupils skills, knowledge and experience to make informed travel choices and equips young people with valuable life skills to travel actively, safely and responsibly. Since 2004, London STARS-accredited schools have seen an average 6 per cent decrease in car use as part of the school journey.

Out of the borough’s 71 primary, secondary, SEN and independent schools, Sutton currently has 18 Gold-accredited schools, 11 Silver and 24 Bronze, with five schools working towards accreditation. Gold- and Silver-accredited STARS schools see on average an 11 per cent decrease in car use, a 6 per cent increase in pupils walking and 2 per cent increase in cycling.

Cllr. Jill Whitehead

Cllr. Jill Whitehead

Carshalton Central Cllr Jill Whitehead, Chair of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee at Sutton Council, said: 

“Statistics show that primary schools with an accredited travel plan are more likely to see such benefits as healthier, more productive and active pupils, improved attendance and academic success. There is also less traffic congestion and improved air quality around the school, and improved school grounds with better provision for bicycle and scooter storage.”

Other travel initiatives that Sutton schools have signed up to include the Living Streets’ Walk Once a Week (WoW) scheme, cycle and scooter training, car-free days and Air Quality Projects. 

For more information about TfL’s STARS programme, visit

School children, long-time residents help the London borough of Sutton celebrate its 50th birthday

VIDEO: School children, long-time residents help the London borough of Sutton celebrate its 50th birthday

To celebrate 50 years of the London Borough of Sutton, Sutton Council today reveals a video recounting residents’ fond memories of the borough over time.

Meanwhile, pupils at Barrow Hedges Primary School in Carshalton were treated to an assembly with the mayor including some special prizes. The six-minute film captures the fond memories….

Go to the Sutton News Room to view the press release and video: