Carshalton’s Parks

We have of course a lot of green space within the Carshalton Central neighbourhood…The Grove Park, Carshalton Park, Carshalton Place Canal, The Wrythe Recreation Ground and The Warren Park, plus Benhill Recreation Ground right on our western borders, plus Erskine Village Green on Erskine Road and so on.

There are 420 hectares of green space and more than 80 parks and open spaces in the borough as a whole.

Looking South towards Ruskin Road

Carshalton Place Canal Looking South towards Ruskin Road

Sutton is one of the greenest boroughs in London. There are SIX Green Flag parks (including The Grove Park in Carshalton) and Sutton has achieved a number of awards including the Silver Gilt award in 2013 for its overall entry in the competition for the fifth year running; a Silver Gilt award for Sutton Manor Park (near the police station); a Gold Award for Oaks Park and 1st place for the Floral Display award in the London in Bloom Awards.

We also have 75,000 trees in the borough’s streets, parks and other council properties and in addition there are many hectares of woodlands.

Not at all bad for a “small” London borough!

Honeywood Museum hosts a 20th Century Stories Exhibition

2014_20th_CenturyFrom Wednesday 4th June to Sunday 6th July 2014, the Honeywood Museum by Carshalton Ponds is hosting an exhibition of digital stories created by people that live, work or play in the London Borough of Sutton. 

The exhibition is free.

Opening hours are Wed, Thur, Fri 11am-5pm; Sat and Sun 10am-5pm.

A diverse range of stories were created during the 20th Century Stories project, and objects and images relating to these stories are on display, with a focus on life, memories, and histories from within the borough.

To find out more click on:

Library at Westcroft Centre

Westcroft Leisure Centre, Westcroft Road, Carshalton, SM5 2TG
Tel: 020 8647 1151

sutton_council_logoOpening Times:

Mon to Fri 7am – 9pm
Sat to Sun 8am – 7pm

(Monday – Friday: library will be in self service mode between 7:00 – 9:30 and 19:00 – 21:00, Saturday: 8:00 – 9:30 and 17:00 – 19:00, Sunday: 8:00 – 10:00 and 14:00 – 19:00)


Westcroft Leisure Centre, Westcroft Road, Carshalton, SM5 2TG
Telephone: 020 8647 1151

The Library @ The Westcroft Centre provides:

  • Self Service facilities
  • Public Internet Access
  • Free WiFi
  • Children’s story times with Surestart (Tuesdays from 10am)
  • Children’s story times with the library for 0-4 yrs (Wednesdays at 10:00-10:30 and 10:45-11:15)
  • Disabled access
  • Free membership to volunteer society ‘Friends of the Library in Carshalton’ (FROLIC). Members who volunteer skills, talents and time in order to raise funds for the library, and maintain the library grounds

Become a fan of Library @ The Westcroft Centre on facebook
Follow Sutton Libraries on Sutton Libraries Twitter Account to get news and other information

Sutton – European Parliamentary Results 22-25 May 2014

DECLARATION OF RESULT OF POLL. European Parliamentary Election on Thursday 22 May 2014

Result of poll for the London Borough of Sutton in the election is as follows:

Name of Party or Independent Number of
4 Freedoms Party (UK EPP) 1003
An Independence from Europe 1014
Animal Welfare Party 580
British National Party 612
Christian Peoples Alliance 609
Communities United Party 66
Conservative Party 14810
English Democrats 477
Europeans Party 203
Green Party 3668
Harmony Party 46
Labour Party 7958
Liberal Democrats 12104
National Health Action Party 493
National Liberal Party – True Liberalism 157
NO2EU 68
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 16345
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: Number of
ballot papers
A want of an official mark 0
B voting for more Candidates than voter was entitled to 277
C writing or mark by which voter could be identified 6
D being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 254
E rejected in part 0
Total 537

Carshalton’s Heritage Signs recently restored…

Cllr. Hamish Pollock took these pictures of the recently-restored heritage signs for the All Saints’ Church, Carshalton, IMG-20140506-01079Ann Boleyn’s Well by the Church and The Orangery of the former Carshalton Park House at the corner of The Square with Brookside. 

These signs were some of many similar signs restored as part of the council’s recent Environmental Improvements Programme, masterminded by Carshalton Central ward Cllr. Jill Whitehead in her role as Chair of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee and council officers.


A Huge “Thank You” To All Our Supporters in Carshalton Central – Sutton Council Election Results in …

A very long night indeed for candidates in the Sutton Council election – counting took place through the night and the full election results were only completely known at around 8am today Friday 23rd May 2014….

The overall result is that the Liberal Democrats in Sutton have achieved an eighth successive term in office with gains of 2 extra seats making a total of 45 seats on Sutton Council with only 9 seats (down 2 seats on last time) being won by the Conservative opposition.  (The European Election result will not be known until the end of the weekend.)

Once again the UKIP, Labour and Green parties failed to win any seats on Sutton Council. Voter turnout in Carshalton Central was around 44% higher than the expected figure.

Here below is the result in Carshalton Central. A huge thanks to all our residents, and all our supporters not just in Carshalton Central but who came from many other parts of London to help us in our campaign for re-election!


 Turnout 43.6%
Electorate 7,966 % Poll 130.91%
Name of Candidates   Votes %
Michael Joseph Cawley Labour Party Candidate 393 3.77%
Ashley Dickenson Christian Peoples Alliance Party 90 0.86%
Simon John Higgs Conservative Party Candidate 1077 10.33%
Andrew Lindsay Green Party 309 2.96%
Allan Matusevics Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 74 0.71%
Michael Norman UK Independence Party (UKIP) 671 6.43%
Margaret Onians Labour Party Candidate 384 3.68%
Hamish Jack Pollock Liberal Democrats 1634 15.67%
Alan James Salter Liberal Democrats 1469 14.09%
Arthur George Spirling Conservative Party Candidate 989 9.48%
Penny Spirling Conservative Party Candidate 974 9.34%
Bob Steel Green Party 324 3.11%
Mandi Suheimat Green Party 205 1.97%
Alan Tate Labour Party Candidate 351 3.37%
Jill Leonie Whitehead Liberal Democrats 1460 14.00%
  Rejected 24 0.23%
  Total 10428 100.00%

For the other local wards’ results please click on:-


Election 2014 – Thursday 22nd May 2014

Councillors Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and Hamish Pollock

Councillors Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and Hamish Pollock by the newly-completed Carshalton WW2 Memorial designed by one of us as Councillors!

Thursday, 22nd May 2014 is Polling Day.

In Carshalton & Wallington constituency in the May 2010 elections, the Lib Dems gained 48% of the votes, Conservatives got 37% and Labour 9%. So Labour cannot win here. Only the Liberal Democrats or the Conservatives can realistically win here this time. The percentages for Carshalton Central local election candidates was almost identical to the overall constituency-wide results.

Hamish, Alan and Jill need YOUR VOTE on Thursday 22nd May to beat the Conservatives.

We have worked VERY hard for Carshalton Central in the last four years since the 2010 elections. If you click on the stories on this web site you can see some of the work we have done for Carshalton. We have tried to make the area Greener, Cleaner and above-all a happier place than it was 4 years ago.

You can vote at your allocated Polling Station between 7am and 10pm Thursday, 22nd May 2014.

Polling Stations in Carshalton Central ward that we currently have the honour of representing (!) are:-

A) The Scout Hall, Westmead Road, Sutton.

B) Highfield Hall, Carshalton Road, Carshalton.

C) All Saints C. of E. Primary School, Rotherfield Road, Carshalton,

Please vote 3 times for Liberal Democrat council candidates Hamish Pollock, Alan Salter and Jill Whitehead and on a separate ballot paper once for the London Liberal Democrats.

Thanks very much for all your support and comments over the last 4 years.

Car boot raid ends in pirate DVD seizure

Hundreds of pounds worth of bootleg Hollywood blockbusters were seized by Sutton Trading Standards over the weekend following an unannounced swoop on a car boot sale. A joint operation involving trading standards officers from Sutton Council’s Business Regulation Service and officers from Sutton Police targeted the car boot sale at St Philomena’s Catholic High School on Sunday (11 May).

Officers seized 182 pirated DVDs of hit films – including Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Aviator and Will Smith’s After Earth. Sellers had all counterfeit DVD’s seized and were provided with a timely warning and advice on how to stay within the law in the future.

Mary Morrissey, Strategic Director Environment and Neighbourhood at Sutton Council said: “Counterfeit merchandise is not a good deal. It is often of inferior quality and harm the trade of legitimate businesses. We believe in a fair borough for our residents and businesses, It is simply not acceptable that people are exposed to these dodgy dealers. This swoop has sent a clear message that we won’t tolerate illegal trade.”

Inspector Emma Gulczynski at Sutton Police said: “We would urge the public to please come forward if you have information about people trading in bogus goods or where such goods are being stored or sold. We work closely in partnership with Sutton’s Trading Standards and will continue to take joint action against the culprits. In addition; for those people that chose to use these car boot sales as an outlet to sell stolen goods; you should be aware that we will use these partnership operations as an opportunity to target you”.

“If you have information that could help, please call Sutton police station on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Trading Standards wrote to car boot sales organisers earlier this year to advise them of the law and warn that officers will be visiting their sales from time to time throughout the year.

For people thinking of selling at car boots, Trading Standards can supply an advice pack on the law. Call 020 8770 5070 or email to ask for a copy

For anyone buying, the advice is be careful. If the price looks too good to be true on normally expensive items, it probably is. A simple check with DVD’s on the quality of the artwork, holograms that do not work, artwork on the DVD’s themselves and the professional packaging is an easy way to identify the sham items. 

Sutton in Bloom to blossom once again

A popular annual competition which recognises green-fingered Sutton residents is set to return for another year.

Sutton in Bloom

Entries for Sutton in Bloom open this week and any resident in the borough can put themselves forward for the chance to win an award.

pdf icon Sutton in Bloom [4Mb]

Prizes of garden vouchers are up for grabs for the winners and runners-up of five categories – Best Front Garden, Best Business Frontage, Best Allotment Garden, Best School Garden and Best Community Garden.

Dominic Aslangul, Assistant Parks Manager at Sutton Council, said:

“I’m delighted to see Sutton in Bloom return for yet another year as it always proves to be really popular with our residents, local schools and businesses.”

“The best thing about the competition is that it’s a great way to say thank you and well done for the work of those green-fingered residents who take such pride in their area and play such a key part in helping to make Sutton such an attractive place to live.”

“If you know of an individual or an organisation’s garden you feel brightens up the borough, please encourage them to enter for an award to get the recognition they deserve?”

The awards, which are organised by Sutton Council, are supported by the Sutton Guardian, Times Square Shopping Centre, care company Right At Home, grocers The Carshalton Patch and Crossways Nursery.

Entries must be in by Friday 20 June 2014 and will be judged by the London Gardens Society, with the winners announced in July. Entry forms are available from libraries, theatres and council offices or downloaded from

The categories:

Best Front Garden

SPONSORED BY: Times Square Shopping Centre

We are looking for the best private residential front garden in Sutton. The judges will be looking for an attractive garden layout with a colourful display featuring any combination of hard landscaping, good quality bedding, herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees and lawns. Entries in this category must be visible to the passer-by and can include gardens with plants in pots and hanging baskets.

Winner: An Engraved Trophy and a £50 Garden Voucher

Runner-Up: £25 Garden Voucher

Best Business Frontage

SPONSORED BY: The Sutton Guardian

An opportunity for the owners of pubs, hotels, leisure facilities and business premises that take a pride in their buildings to be recognised for bringing a splash of colour to the neighbourhood with hanging baskets and eye-catching planting schemes.

Winner: £50 Garden Voucher

Runner-Up: £25 Garden Voucher

Best Allotment Garden

SPONSORED BY: The Carshalton Patch

There are numerous allotment plots throughout the borough and many are packed with tasty vegetables and colour from an array of stunning, sweet smelling blooms. This category aims to celebrate and reward those hard working gardeners who achieve excellent crops and beautiful plots.

Winner: £50 Garden Voucher

Runner-Up: £25 Garden Voucher

Best School Garden

SPONSORED BY: Crossways Nursery

This popular award as part of Sutton in Bloom aims to encourage and reward the efforts of youngsters involved in planting and maintaining a specific school garden or planting area as part of their curriculum or a gardening club. The judges will be looking for good design, use of plants and shrubs, the role of the garden as part of school life and its impact on the environment.

Winner: An Engraved Trophy and

£50 Garden Voucher.

Runner-Up: £25 Garden Voucher

Best Community Garden


Awarded to either a group of gardens, frontages of buildings or area of ground where the displays have been created specifically for the shared benefit and enjoyment of others. This may include a street, square, close, cul-de-sac, community project, or the gardens of a care home, community centre or place of worship. The judges will be looking for displays which are well designed, provide an array of colour and encourage wildlife. Only one nomination per street, group of gardens or project.

Winner: £50 Garden Voucher

Runner-Up: £25 Garden Voucher

Sutton-in-Bloom’s sponsors:

Times Square Shopping Centre

Sutton’s longest established shopping centre is home to a great mix of independent and big name brand retailers. For all your shopping news and details of our latest initiative to support local charities and community groups see our website. 020 8715 9977

Sutton Guardian

Read all about Sutton in Bloom and much more local news, sport, leisure, jobs, homes, cars, public notices and events from Sutton, Wallington, Carshalton, Worcester Park, St Helier and Cheam.

020 8329 9244

Right At Home

Is a Sutton based care company helping a growing number of local people continue living happily and independently in their own homes. Right at Home offers a range of quality care and support – from companionship or help with washing and dressing, to specialist dementia care, or a 24/7 fully managed live-in service. 020 8642 4829

The Carshalton Patch

Offers fresh, local and seasonal fruit, vegetables and herbs from its shop by Carshalton Beeches station. We specialise in high quality, local produce including free-range eggs, locally-made jams, marmalades, chutneys, honey and juices, and British oils and condiments. We also offer veg box collection and deliveries, and can cater for corporate, wholesale and ‘fruit for the office’ orders.

07855 762 794

Crossways Nursery

Is one of the largest and most highly respected growers and suppliers of Christmas trees in London and Surrey. Its stunning trees have been bringing festive cheer to homes and businesses for 40 years. Throughout the rest of the year this family run nursery provides quality plants and a huge range of plant pots in a variety of materials, colours and shapes. 020 8645 0710

The Wales Avenue Estate Improvements

In recent years we have been fully involved amongst many other matters with the following activities:-

1) More School Places. We successfully worked with Carshalton All Saints C of E Primary School and with local residents to bring a new form of entry.

2) Flood Prevention. We asked the Council to dredge blocked drains and gullies in Oxford Road.

3) Preserving and Enhancing our Heritage. We  liaised with the tenants over proposals to improve Highfield Hall, Carshalton Road.

4) Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour. We worked with local police to ensure that anti-social behaviour is minimised and local parks kept safe.

5) Heritage Centre. We refurbished the Heritage Centre at Honeywood Walk, Carshalton Village with improved displays, using Lottery Funding.

6) Invested in our High Street. We secured funding for new Carshalton village signs which will be installed soon, introduced the Carshalton Christmas lights and brought the new Frost Fair to help local businesses thrive.

7) Better Transport. We successfully campaigned with Tom Brake MP and other Lib Dem councillors to save the cross London Thameslink loopline trains service.

8) Safer Roads. We successfully campigned for TfL to install new railings around Carshalton Ponds.

9) Street Trees. We planted 81 street trees across the ward including many roads in the Wales Avenue Estate.