All Saints Carshalton has a Canon!

Our sincerest congratulations to Dr. John Charles Thewlis (as pictured), Rector of Carshalton Parish Church which covers the bulk of the central Carshalton area. 

Canon Thewlis of Carshalton All Saints Church

Canon Thewlis of Carshalton All Saints Church

Dr. Thewlis, who was made an Honorary Canon recently, has been in charge of a now-thriving local parish since late 2001 following the departure of Rev. Leigh Cameron Edwards, who retired in his eighties after over 40 years in the post of Rector. Here is a picture of the sunny south side of All Saints’ Church taken today 16th February by Hamish. 

The church’s organ also pictured below is being restored by Henry Willis & Sons Limited of Liverpool and is stunningly decorated.

All Saints' Church - south side on 16th February 2014

All Saints’ Church – south side on 16th February 2014

The Park – White Lining being Smartened Up

The contractors have been smartening up our white lines in some roads in Carshalton Central.

Here is an example of the work being undertaken in the sunshine (!) by RJ Dance today Sunday, 16th February at about 10am (photo taken by Hamish).  They are at the junction of The Park with Ruskin Road/Carshalton Park Road. As has been reported previously on this web site and in our FOCUS newsletters, the Lib Dem controlled council are investing in the Environmental Improvements Programme throughout the borough this year to “smarten up” the local street scene.


Proposed Sainsbury’s, 123 Westmead Road – Licensing News – Cllr. Alan Salter reports back

Cllr. Alan Salter reports:

Following a successful redevelopment appeal to the Department for Environment at Bristol, for Westmead House, a full planning application has been lodged by Sainsbury`s for shopfront alterations to the ground floor which they propose leasing as a Sainsbury`s Local.  At a special Licensing Sub Committee hearing on 10th February, I raised residents` concerns regarding parking, licensing and delivery hours and anti-social behaviour. Sainsbury`s had originally  wanted a 24-hour licence for the sale of alcohol. This has been reduced to the hours of 7 a.m.-11 p.m., and the Committee reserves the right to review the situation, if there is a perceived increase in anti-social  behaviour in the surrounding area, or breaches of delivery times, restricted to the same hours. C.C.T.V. will monitor movements, and could be used as evidence to support any future restrictions. 

Westmead House is located between Cowper Avenue and Kingsley Avenue on Westmead Road, Poets’ Estate, Sutton.

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

New Caterpillars Children’s Nursery, Old Library, The Square

The imminent opening of the children’s nursery in the Old Library, The Square, Carshalton is announced on a bright banner by the front door.  (Photo taken by Hamish on 15th Feb.)

The building works are nearing completion to convert the old Carshalton Library and the offices for former council services into the facilities for the children’s nursery. 

For details: See their web site:; E-mail:; Tel: 020-8773 3882.



Clearing Up After Litter Bugs

Cllr Simon Wales and fellow councillors campaigning against litter

Cllr Jill Whitehead (with pink scarf) and fellow councillors campaigning against litter. She says:

“On Thursday 6th February 2014 a litter mountain was created in Sutton High Street showing 11 tonnes of litter, the amount that is picked up each day.It currently costs £4m per year to clear this litter off the streets. That could pay for the running a library service for a year; repairing 100,000 potholes, providing 210 residential care places for elderly people; or building half a primary school.”

Sutton Councillors and members of the environmental team spoke to passers-by on their views and ideas to help us address the issue. The ‘be part of the team that keeps Sutton clean’ campaign continues to urge people to take responsibility and help keep Sutton clean. Clean streets help residents feel happy with their environment and neighbours, and to feel safer. But one nuisance can lead to another, with areas prone to graffiti also suffering from litter and fly-tipping.

A dedicated band of cleaners and inspectors are out every day cleaning up or catching those responsible in the act.

And now we are calling on you to join us and be part of the team that keeps Sutton clean by making sure you bin your litter, clear up after your dog or report graffiti or fly-tipping. We want everyone to take pride in their borough and take part in making it such a great place to live, work and go to school.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “We can all do our bit and save ourselves money by not dropping litter.”

Money saving experts give free advice to Sutton bill payers

Sutton Guardian: Residents taking part in a money saving session

Residents taking part in a money saving session…

Free money saving workshops are being held for Sutton residents worried about rising energy bills or who are struggling to manage their cash.  The Sutton Housing Partnership will host the workshops at its offices in Sutton Gate in Carshalton Road, starting with Energy Best Deal on Tuesday, February 18, from 2pm to 4pm. The workshop will be repeated at the same time on Tuesday March 11. On Thursday, February 27, a workshop entitled How To Manage Your Money will take place between 10am and 12pm.

Cliff Haynes, Sutton Housing Partnership’s head of income said: “We are here to offer residents all the help they need to get the best deal for their gas and electricity. We know from working with the Energy Best Deal that residents have found these sessions really helpful, resulting in many people saving money on their bills.”

To book your place on one of the courses, call the Sutton Housing Partnership’s Customer Care Team on 020 8915 2000.

1 Byron Gardens, Sutton: Planning Appeal Dismissed by Government Inspector

Jill, Hamish and Alan are pleased that the Government’s planning inspector has upheld Sutton Council’s decision to refuse planning permission to develop the land at 1 Byron Gardens. The developer went to appeal and the inspector has turned it down, agreeing with the Council’s reasons for refusal.

The planning inspector said that the proposed development would significantly harm the character and appearance of the area. The development would have been contrary to Sutton Council’s planning Policies, which require good urban design that respects context and distinctive local character. The development also failed to follow Sutton Council’s Planning Guidance.

Cllr. Alan Salter said: “The planning application C2013/68158/FUL was received last September by Sutton Council to develop land at 1 Byron Gardens. It was refused by Sutton Council last November.”

Cllr. Jill Whitehead added: “The main issues were the concerns about the effect on the character and appearance of the area and the effect on the living conditions of neighbours, especially the outlook from properties on Orchard Way. The inspector said that the proposed building would be attached to the side of No.1, protruding to within 2m of the highway boundary and standing at an awkward angle relative to the carriageway.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock said: “The scheme resulted in awkward dimensions of the site, which combined with the orientation of No.1 meant that the proposed dwelling could not be satisfactorily accommodated. The proposed new building would appear as an anomaly in the “streetscene” in Byron Gardens, failing to reflect its prevailing character and appearing cramped within the site.”

Ruskin-Talbot Ornamental Garden Improvements

We had asked a little while ago for Sutton Council to improve the state of the flower beds in the so-called ornamental garden in between Ruskin Road and Talbot Road, Carshalton (path leading to Carshalton Park from The Square).  As councillors we have assisted the Friends of Carshalton Park in bulb planting in years gone by. The new spring bulbs are at last poking their way through the very, very wet ground!

We are pleased to report that things seem to have started to improve recently.  (Picture taken by Hamish on Sunday 9th February 2014.)

The Ornamental Garden gets a bit of a make-over

The Ornamental Garden gets a bit of a make-over

Local Police’s 7 Crime Prevention Tips

logoMPSThe local police have put together 7 crime prevention tips on protecting your homes:-

1) Always lock your door and windows when going out even if you are gone for a few minutes.

2) Install a visible burglar alarm.

3) Always keep your shed and outbuildings locked.

4) Leave lights on if it will be dark before you are home.

5) Mark your property with your postcode, house/flat number or your three letters of your house name.

6) Register items with

7) Do not leave your keys or ID documents near doors, letter boxes or windows.