Reducing the number of Empty Houses in Sutton

With continuing pressure on housing in the Borough, it is a matter of concern for everyone if houses are left empty for long period.

Last year Sutton Council introduced a number of technical changes to Council tax collection arrangements that changed financial incentives to keep properties empty. Cllr Richard Clifton, in his role as vice-chair of the Housing, Economy and Business Commmittee, was closely involved in the design of these changes, which involved the removal of discounts on Council tax previously enjoyed by owners of second homes and owners of empty properties. He represents the neighbouring ward to ours of Sutton South.  At the meeting of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee on 8 October Richard commented on figures the Committee discussed that showed a fall in the number of empty properties. However, while the figures are moving in the right direction there is clearly some way to go. They show that there are still 200 properties in Sutton empty for over two years (excluding those in probate), down from 210, and over 450 properties unoccupied and unfurnished (470 down from 573).

Richard said “at a time of housing pressure these empty properties are a cause for concern. The policy the Council introduced last year to remove financial incentives to keep properties empty has been a success, in that the numbers have fallen, but there is still a way to go.”

Please let us know if you know of a long-term empty property that is causing you concern. We are keeping a careful look-out of course.

Carshalton Athletic Football Club News…

CAFC and the New Residents’ Consultative Committee….

Carshalton_AthleticThe Carshalton Athletic Football Club Residents’ Consultative Committee has been set up by Sutton Council to deal with any areas of local residents’ concern. This group will include four residents chosen from a panel of eight to come from the immediate area of the club (CAFC). Also included will be your local Lib Dem councillors, a representative of Westmead Allotments and four Club representatives.

Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “The group will meet quarterly and work according to an agreed constitution. It will consider the future plans of CAFC, and the actual operation of current planning conditions such as those to do with floodlights, noise, hours of opening, traffic and parking”.

The Club is likely to submit a planning application soon for a new “3G” pitch which will be heard by the Council’s Development Control Committee. This will include the normal statutory consultation of local residents by the Council (who are also the landlords), as well as the review of current planning conditions. This follows the proposal to vary the lease the Club holds as a tenant of the council to enable the Club to apply for funds from the Football Club Foundation.  More news in a future posting.

Carshalton High School News Update

chsg-logo-printCarshalton High School for Girls: Sports Plans update… Cllr Alan Salter says: “Your local Lib Dem councillors met the school head recently to discuss local residents’ concerns about plans to build new school sports facilities.  We are pleased that the school have already taken some of these on board.  The school plans to submit a new bid for sports facilities to Sport England, which will be reduced in scope and less intrusive. The school will also change the “sports entrance” from Colston Avenue (CAFC entrance) to their current main entrance on West Street and introduce some parking bays. They have also agreed to involve residents informally.

Ruskin Road and Park Lane Crossing/Traffic Lights Scheme Completed

The roadworks have been completed recently at this busy junction.  These road works are based on the scheme that was agreed by the council’s Carshalton Local Committee after the local residents’ consultation earlier this year. 

Cllr. Hamish Pollock chair of the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee that was responsible for the scheme said: “Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and myself as your local Lib Dem councillors originally asked for this safety improvement scheme because the nearby All Saints’ Primary School off Rotherfield Road was being expanded from 35 to 60 pupils each year (from last year), and there would be many more parents with young children wanting to cross the road.”

The scheme is promoted by Transport for London (TfL) for road safety reasons. Also, TfL have put in place a new innovative type of crossing (with “countdown” crossing clocks) which they are trying out here. So far, so good!

Street Trees


The Greener Borough

The Greener Borough

Cllr. Alan Salter reports:

“The London Borough of Sutton has been awarded a grant to help plant 395 trees.   Sutton was among several councils in the capital to be awarded a grant from the RE:LEAF Mayor’s Street Tree Initiative. The scheme awards funds from the Mayor of London and is managed in partnership with the Forestry Commission and Groundwork London”.

The London Borough of Sutton has previously been awarded RE:LEAF grants in 2008-9 and again in 2011, where we planted nearly 620 trees.  Trees will be planted in areas with relatively low canopy cover or areas of poor air quality, selecting cultivars of native tree species likely to adapt well to a changing climate.

All properties that will be affected by the proposed tree planting will be contacted within the next few weeks. Planting should start in coming weeks. 


Poets’ Estate News

Westmead Road Drainage: Following a number of residents’ complaints taken up by the Lib Dem FOCUS team recently, local Poets’ Estate resident and local Cllr. Jill Whitehead reports: “Thames Water have just completed a dredge of drainage outlets in Westmead Road and roads off it. They cleared out years of silt and sludge as well as other things blocking the flow, such as builders’ rubble.

Shirley Avenue Resurfacing: Jill adds: “Work has just been completed on completely resurfacing the road and pavement in Shirley Avenue together with a cut back of the grass verge, which has now been given a new metal border.   The double yellow lines on the corner with Milton Avenue have also been repainted as well as the pothole filled in at this site”.

Cedar Close – Progress

Cllr. Hamish Pollock took this photo on Saturday 19th October of the new “mews” type houses in the little cul-de-sac off Salisbury Road whilst out delivering FOCUS newsletters in the area.

Hamish says:

“The properties are already being marketed – full details are on the signboard outside the entrance. They replace single-storey sheltered housing which was made redundant by the local Health Services some years ago.”

Cedar Close, off Salisbury Road, Carshalton - October 2013

Cedar Close, off Salisbury Road, Carshalton – October 2013

Wallington Post Office to move into WH Smiths


It has been officially confirmed that the Wallington Post Office branch is proposing to be run by WH Smith and to move into their unit in Woodcote Road, Wallington.  Many residents of Carshalton Central neighbourhood shop in Wallington and may be interested in this change of location of the Post Office.

Information produced advises that the same range of services  and products will be offered, but with increased opening hours aligning with WH Smith’s hours of operation. The intention is for four serving positions and a private consultation room.

Cllr. Alan Salter who lives in the border of Carshalton with Wallington says:-

“There is a 6-week public consultation on the proposals ending on 25th November. You can feed in your views through an online questionnaire:, by emailing or writing to FREEPOST Your Comments. In all cases be sure to note the code of the Wallington branch: 01701399.”

Hanging Baskets – Proposals for Carshalton

tumblr_msb89w3y3d1rsswhpo1_500Sutton Council’s current allocation of 17 hanging baskets in shopping areas in our Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee area (which is chaired by local Cllr. Hamish Pollock)  is as follows:-

Westmead Road (3),

High Street Carshalton (3),

Banstead Road (4),

Stanley Park Road (3), and

Clockhouse Estate (2).

Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “We are reviewing these allocations and would be grateful to hear from local residents on your views, bearing in mind the total allocation of 17.”

Wallington – Sutton Council says a Big No to a Big Mac…Donalds

The planning application for a drive-through McDonalds in Stafford Road was overwhelmingly opposed by all the eight councillors voting at the Development Control Committee on Wednesday evening (16th October) held at the Civic Offices, Sutton.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock took part in the lengthy discussion which went on for about 2 hours and voted against this application as did all the other voting councillors, having previously had a completely open mind about this application. The views of all the local people were overwhelming in that McDonalds had simply not persuaded any of us of their case.  The planning application was refused permission for a variety of reasons including proposed opening hours, traffic concerns, overlooking and amenity of residents the detailed wording of which will be finalised by the senior planning officers present at the meeting.
