Cllr. Hamish Pollock recently took up residents’ concerns about parking at the junction of Fairview Road with Hawthorn Road, in the Carshalton Central neighbourhood. He has asked the council’s officers to look into possibility of installing some double yellow lines just at this junction to hopefully improve visibility for drivers and pedestrians and hopefully prevent vehicles parking too close to the junction. More in a future posting….
Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee to be held on Tuesday 10th September 2013 at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church from 7.30pm
Chairman Councillor Hamish Pollock says: “Do come along to our meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee on Tuesday 10th September 2013 from 7.30pm. We’ll be meeting at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton, which is quite near the shopping parades.”
The agenda items will include:
LOCAL TRAFFIC AND PARKING SCHEMES for Grosvenor Avenue Traffic Calming Measures; Environmental Improvements Programme Report, then Stanley Park Road; Park Lane/Ruskin Road Traffic Lights/Crossing; Woodmansterne Road Pedestrian crossing; Butter Hill Traffic Management proposals; Bandon Hill Primary Woodfield School Pedestrian Crossing- Stanley Park Road; Woodcote Road/Woodcote Green Traffic Management update for noting
SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: Local Councillor Jill Whitehead is to give an update on Future Plans for Sustainable Transport in Sutton.
HEALTHWATCH SUTTON: Doris Richards is to introduce the new organisation
PUBLIC HEALTH: Sue Tree, Senior Public Health Commissioning Manager to talk about new local Public Health Functions.
THE WANDLE TRUST: Tim Longstaff, Development Officer to talk about The Wandle Trust’s projects including riverside improvements by Mill Lane etc.
USE OF STANLEY PARK RECREATIONAL GROUND: To note the decision of the Environment and Neighbourhood Committee.
PUBLIC REALM: There will be an update on Public Realm Projects.
Applications for Neighbourhood Grants will also be considered.
The next meeting will be held on 19th November at the same venue with the same start time. SEE YOU THERE!
“Education, education, education…” Parents urged to log on to apply for school places
Parents applying for a school place next year are being urged to make their application online.
Local school governor Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Borough parents and carers applying for places for their children at nursery, primary, junior or secondary schools can put forward their preferences online any time from now in order to apply for a place for September 2014 entry.”
This year is the first time applications made for nursery and junior schools will also be accepted online.
Anyone with children in Sutton must apply through Sutton Council before the deadline of Thursday 31 October 2013 for secondary school places and Wednesday 15 January 2014 for primary, junior and nursery school places. Parents who miss these deadlines risk not getting a school of their preference.
Parents who apply online will receive early access to the notification of the outcome, no risk of forms going missing in the post, no postage costs, and a safe, secure online system.
There is also an online guidance booklet which outlines the full application process and explains what parents need to do in order to apply for a school place for their child. Parents can view this, the new home to school distance checker, watch a tutorial video, and apply online at
Cllr Dave Callaghan, Chair of the Children, Family and Education Committee said: “We are proud of our borough’s schools and know our residents feel the same with many of them moving to the area so their children can attend one. Reports have also shown that while our schools remain extremely popular, for example, over 80% of applicants get their first choice secondary school – more than almost anywhere else in London. I’d urge parents and carers to log-on before the deadline and fill out the online application form to make their preferences known.”
Parents without internet access at home can use the internet for free at any local library or attend assisted sessions in the Library @ the Phoenix Centre, Wallington, on Monday 16 September 9.30am-1.30pm and Tuesday 17 September 2-6pm; and at the Civic Offices, Sutton on Wednesday 25 September 2-6pm and Thursday 26 September 9.30am-1.30pm. No appointment necessary, drop in at any time.
Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee and…. Sutton Question Time
The 10th of September is a date with two evening time events of some interest for local residents to choose from. We not only have the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road from 730pm (see our web site posting of 7th September) but also Sutton Question Time is on 10th September 2013 between 7pm and 9pm at The SCOLA Business Centre, North Cheam
Sutton Question Time is for local people to put questions directly to leaders from the council, business and other local organisations.
At this Question Time event the Council Leader, Cllr Ruth Dombey, will be joined by a panel of experts; our host Saboohi Famili, Principal of Sutton College of Learning for Adults (SCOLA), Cllr Jayne McCoy, Chair of the Housing, Economy and Business Committee, Peter Dosanjh, Chief Executive, The Monarch Partnership, and Ross Feeney, Chief Executive, Successful Sutton.
There are only 100 tickets which will be issued on a first come, first served basis. To get your place email:
Westcroft Leisure Centre
Councillor Jill Whitehead recently received the following message from the Westcroft management:-
Dear Jill
I would like to assure you we do take pride in our facilities and endeavour to constantly improve our standards. As an example, Cheam, David Weir and Phoenix Leisure Centre have all been nominated and shortlisted for the Members Choice Health Club Awards 2013.
Unfortunately we were unable to enter Westcroft this year as it needs to be open for a whole calendar year These awards are the only ones within the leisure industry where winners are selected purely on the feedback from the people that use the facilities – The Members. The Health Club Awards are open to all private health clubs, gyms and leisure centre’s in the UK. Each year competing clubs encourage their members to complete an on line questionnaire rating them on their facilities, customer service and importantly value for money. This year 37,000 members voted for their respective facilities. Last year the Phoenix Leisure Centre was shortlisted and came in the top 3 sites in the country, this year Sutton has three centres shortlisted and we are hoping to pick up an award! However it is a great achievement to be nominated and make the final, which I hope will go some way to demonstrate to you that we are serious about ensuring we are providing leisure facilities at a high standard and to our customer’s satisfaction.
Kind regards
Mark Basker
Contract Manager – Sutton ContractSports and Leisure Management Ltd.
M: 07850509265
Youth Club Projects – A Plea for Volunteers and Givers
A message has been received from a good cause…
Hi, we’re raising funds for three youth club projects in Sutton, in the estates in Clockhouse, Shanklin and Roundshaw;
Could I ask you please to send this information on to anyone you think would like to donate, volunteer or help in any way, for more information on the individual projects please visit
Or to find out more about our charity and the work we do, visit or call or mail me at the addresses below if you have any questions.
I hope you feel these are interesting and you will want to help. Thank you for your time.
Kind regards
Joyce Quinnell
CEOSurrey Clubs for Young People
Office: 01306 898006
Mobile: 07824 380121Email:
Debt Advice
Sutton Council recently took the decision to block access to websites of pay-day lenders such as Wonga and Quick Quid across our main computer network. This includes PCs in libraries and in the civic buildings in Sutton town centre.
We did this because of concerns that some people, who borrow from pay-day lenders, end up in even more financial trouble given the high interest rates and penalties charged for missed or late loan repayments.
Rather than these lenders being the default choice for people who need access to extra cash, we want to promote the alternatives available and provide information about the various organisations that offer advice and help.
Managing your money
On our website, there’s information about the basics of managing your money. It focuses on the “five Bs”: budgeting, benefits, bills, banking and borrowing.
You could also look at some of the online training that’s available to help you manage your finances efficiently. CAP UK is one of a number of providers. You can also call CAP on 01274 760720 to speak to one of its advisors.
The Croydon, Merton and Sutton Credit Union
CMSU may be able to provide you with a loan if you have no other access to borrowing or don’t have a bank account. It’s much more affordable than using a pay-day or doorstop lender. CMS can also provide a savings account.
“I’ve got money worries – what should I do?”
The answer is: don’t panic.
But, the sooner you ask for help the better. We know that admitting you’re having financial problems can be difficult, but asking for assistance earlier is so much better in the long run. Here is a list of the many organisations which can help:
Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau
020 8405 3552
The Money Advice Service
0300 500 5000
Is an independent service, set up by government, to help people make the most of their money. It gives free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK – online, over the phone and face-to-face.
National Debt Helpline
0808 808 4000
The helpline provides free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems. It offers debt advice for people living in different parts of the country.
Debt Support Trust
0800 085 0226
The Debt Support Trust is a not-for-profit debt advice charity with trained, friendly debt advisors who can advise you on suitable debt solutions. It is a national debt advice charity helping people across the UK.
Useful websites – 020 8405 3552
Sutton Borough CABx Service is a registered charity that provides information and advice on issues such as housing, welfare benefits, employment, debt and relationship breakdown etc. We are members of Citizens Advice – the national citizens advice organisation. – 0300 500 5000
We are an independent service, set up by government to help people make the most of their money, we give free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK – online, over the phone and face to face. – 0800 328 0006
CAP Money is a revolutionary money management course that teaches people budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that really works.
This course will help anyone to get more in control of their finances, so they can save, give and prevent debt. CAP Money is a course devised by the award winning debt counselling charity, Christians Against Poverty. – 0808 808 4000
The helpline that provides free confidential and independent advice on how to deal with debt problems. We offer debt advice for people living in different parts of the country. This is because the law concerning debt varies depending on whether you live in England and Wales or Scotland. You can be confident that the advice we offer is targeted to you. – 0800 280 2816
Payplan is funded in a unique way: rather than charging their clients, they receive donations from the credit industry. But don’t worry they remain completely impartial and deal with creditors to find you a solution that is affordable and sustainable. – 0800 085 0226
Debt Support Trust is a not-for-profit debt advice charity with trained, friendly debt advisors who can advise you on suitable debt solutions. We are a national debt advice charity helping people across the UK, whether you live in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland we can help you with debt advice. – 020 8760 5711
The Croydon, Merton and Sutton Credit Union can offer affordable loans for Sutton residents.
Carter House, Denny House and Jennings House, corner of Carshalton Road and Shorts Road – Update
News in from Metropolitan Housing about residents concerns over management issues…this was sent to councillors prior to the meeting that is to be held on Wednesday 4th September 2013 between 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Windsor Castle Pub function Room, 358 Carshalton Road, Surrey SM5 3PT.
Dear ……
I’m sorry for the delay in replying to you on this. I’ve now looked at the case and my updates are below.
Residents’ meeting
A meeting has been arranged for the residents of Carter House. We delayed in holding this meeting as we were told that several residents were away until 02 September 2013. We have invited the local Councillors who previously attend meetings at this site.
Anti-social behaviour
A block letter was sent to all residents of Denny & Jennings House regarding the complaints made of children playing ball games in the communal garden which could potentially damage cars and allegations of kids scratching cars by riding bikes and scooters in between the cars in the car park. Following receipt of this letter a number of residents contacted our housing services officer and identified the properties the children live in. We have interviewed and warned two households of their children’s behaviour and rearranging an interview for another household.
All tenants of Denny and Jennings House are signed up to a Good Neighbourhood agreement and are being reminded of implications if this continues to be breached.
Security of the car park
It was initially reported the vehicle gate was vandalised, an urgent repair order was raised to have this repaired. The contractors who attended reported someone had used a manual override key causing the gate to remained open and not close. We have spoken to a number of residents and no one can identify who did this. The incident which involved someone attempting to steal a motorbike from the car park area was reported to the police. However, by the time the police attended the individual/s had already left the site.
The emergency button which leads from the car park and communal garden opens a gate which leads to the side main entrance door to Carter House. If an unknown person enters this area they are still unable to gain access into the block as they would need a fob. Fobs have only been issued to the residents of Carter House.
This development was signed off by local Police, with a Secured by Design certificate issued by the police confirming no security concerns caused by the design or access arrangements. We have also carried out a joint visit with a Fire Safety Inspecting officer from the London Fire Brigade and the set up of the fob / release button system was not a breach of fire regulations as the gate leading on to Carshalton Road would only need to be changed if is classed as a fire exit. They did say this could be changed to a snipe lock to exit instead of a code. We are investigating the feasibility of this.
Lux calculations were carried out to ensure the development met the required light levels. In the area in question, there is illumination from bulkhead lighting, bollard lighting, street lighting column. In addition, Carter House is a fully glazed door, with the stairwell lighting being emitted from the block. This area has been checked at night and we feel the area is sufficiently lit. We will discuss this with the residents at the meeting.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the content of this email. I will be on leave until 09 September 2013, but my emails will be checked during this time.
Daniel Thurlow | Head of Housing | Housing Services (South)
We now have one customer contact number – 020 3535 3535
1 Horizon Park | Barton Road | Comberton | Cambridge | Cambridgeshire | CB23 7AF
Metropolitan |
St Raphael’s Hospice, A Request for Help!
Please urge as many people as possible to read this web page/posting and sign the petition:
AN URGENT REQUEST – To all supporters of St Anthony’s Hospital and St Raphael’s Hospice Re:
You may be aware that there is a proposal from the Daughters of the Cross, which is the parent charity of both St Anthony’s Hospital and St Raphael’s Hospice to sell the hospital to a commercial concern, and separate it from St Raphael’s Hospice. St Anthony’s Hospital supplies all the essential admin and support services to the hospice such as IT, payroll, catering, to name but a few. The combined value of those services is over £1 million a year, for which the hospital has never charged the hospice (being part of the same charity) If the two are separated, St Raphael’s will need to find an extra £1 million a year, just to pay for those existing services.
The local Member of Parliament for Sutton and Cheam, Mr Paul Burstow, raised the matter in the House of Commons on 16th July. Because the Daughters of the Cross is a Catholic charity, it needs approval from the Vatican to dispose of catholic church assets. If St Anthony’s Hospital is sold commercially, it will also without doubt lose the catholic/Christian ethos that it has had for more than a century, and a sale will put the future of St Raphael’s Hospice into serious jeopardy. Both Mr Burstow and I have asked the Vatican to block the sale of St Anthony’s Hospital, and support the creation of a new Catholic Charity, to take over the running of St Anthony’s Hospital and St Raphael’s Hospice combined, as at present, so that both may continue long into the future. Paul Burstow MP has now established a website with links to two on-line petitions, one he is organising, the other which is on the 10 Downing Street Website asking the Prime Minister for support. The website is and I would ask you to please visit this, and add your name(s) to BOTH petitions, and to ask your family, friends and neighbours to do likewise.
Please feel free to pass this email on to others who you know, and ask for support. Yours sincerely and thank you. DR RON MCKERAN Chairman, St Raphael’s Hospice Advisory Committee
Residents’ Meeting to be held on 4th September re: Carter House/Denny House/Jennings House Flats at Carshalton Road/Corner with Shorts Road
Jill, Hamish and Alan took up local residents’ further complaints recently about their on-going management concerns of the 44 newish flats at Carter House/Denny House/Jennings House at the corner of Carshalton Road with Shorts Road. An initial meeting was held a few months’ ago as we reported.
A message and invitation has just been received from Metropolitan Housing Association.
Dear ….
Following below concerns raised by the residents of Carter House, Metropolitan has arrange a residents meeting with the Carter House residents to address the issues raised and any further concerns they have regarding the scheme.
The meeting will be taking place on Wednesday 4th September 2013 between 6:30pm – 8:30pm at the Windsor Castle Pub function Room, 358 Carshalton Road, Surrey SM5 3PT.
Please confirm if you are able to attend.
Karla Powell | Housing Services Officer | London South
t: 020 3535 3535
Printworks Office |131-143 Clapham Road | Stockwell | London |SW9 0HP