Oyster cards

Transport-for-London1Chair of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, Jill Whitehead says:

“The council is being consulted by TFL about their plans to make fares on buses cashless, so that all bus users would need to have either an Oyster card, or to pay using one of the new bank cards which can be swiped to pay for fares. If you have any comments on this either for or against please let Jill know at jill.whitehead@sutton.gov.uk


Colourful Sutton: Enter Sutton’s Snap Happy Photo Competition….

swan in pondsCllr. Jill Whitehead says:

“Send in photos of Sutton’s parks and you could win a prize! Did you know we’ve got more than 90 parks and open spaces in the borough, providing more than 400 hectares to explore and have fun in – that’s about the same as 550 football pitches! Anyone can enter the competition. Your photos just need to have been taken in one of Sutton’s parks. They can be of scenery, sports and activities, picnics, wildlife… anything that grabs your attention. Just make sure that if you’re photographing people you have their permission, and if you’re photographing children you have their parent or guardian’s permission.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock adds:

The closing date for entries is 10 November 2013. Our panel will choose the best shots from adults (18 and over), young people (aged 12 – 17), and children (aged up to 11). Each category will have an outright winner, second place and third place. Prizes will be high street shopping vouchers – £100 worth for the winner, £50 worth for second place and £25 worth for third place. Winners will be notified by 10 December 2013.

Cllr. Alan Salter says:

More information about the competition including guidance and permission is available on the website: www.sutton.gov.uk/snaphappy you can send in your digital photos on email to snaphappy@sutton.gov.uk – make sure the photos are of high resolution, but each email doesn’t exceed 10MB.

News about the Queues at Westcroft Leisure Centre

Chair of the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee, Jill Whitehead says:

“Residents have commented to us that Westcroft Leisure Centre has been very busy over the summer period, and there have been queues for popular sessions. If you are likely to be a regular user of the Westcroft Centre you are recommended to buy a membership pass – see link for prices. This will save you money and means you do not have to queue.


Those with membership cards can use them like an Oyster card to swipe through the entry gates, and avoid the queues. You can also check session times on the Westcroft website and so avoid busy times.”

Local School News and School Crossings Latest

Camden Junior School, Carshalton

Camden Junior School, Carshalton

Local school governor and Cllr. Jill Whitehead reports:

“Transport for London (TFL) have started work on the new crossing in Stanley Park Road in south Carshalton

 ready for the opening of the new Bandon Hill – Woodfield Primary School, on the site of the old Stanley Park High school. This new four form entry school (150 pupils per year) will be running alongside the existing Stanley Park Infants School, and is being opened to accommodate the large increase in the birth rate locally. 14 pupils from the Carshalton Central neighbourhood/ward will be joining the reception year at the new Woodfield campus and 16 at the existing nearby Stanley Park Infants in September. TFL have given this crossing priority due to the large numbers of pupils at these two primary schools.”

Cllr. Alan Salter says:

“When this work is complete, TFL will be installing a new crossing in Ruskin Road in late September to cater for the expansion of All Saints Primary School in Rotherfield Road. (now a two form entry school, 60 in each year).  16 pupils from Carshalton Central will be joining the reception class at All Saints school in September which for the first time is opening its doors to a small percentage of non C. of E. pupils who live locally (15% or about nine per reception year).”

Later on in the year, a crossing will be installed in Woodmansterne Road to cover the expansion of Barrow Hedges School in south Carshalton, now a three form entry school (90 in each year). 15 pupils from Carshalton Central will be joining the reception year at this school in September.

Consultation is currently taking place on traffic calming needed in the area of this crossing, and this will be discussed at the next Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee on Tuesday, 10th September chaired by Cllr. Hamish Pollock.  The local committee is held at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road from 7.30pm

More reception pupils in Carshalton Central will be going to Victor Seymour School (29 pupils) than any other school, but concern has been expressed  by parents where they should continue their education now that Harris has been appointed as the sponsoring Academy for Camden Junior School rather than the preferred Greenshaw School.

Alan, Jill and Hamish as your ward councillors joined parents in fighting this decision.

Electoral Roll: Sutton canvass needs local help

ballotCouncillor Hamish Pollock says:

“Volunteers are being called upon to pound the pavements and help keep the borough’s electoral register up-to-date.  Sutton’s annual canvass will see a troop of local people knocking on doors throughout the borough to ensure that every household receives their electoral registration form.”

Canvassing will take place during the first week of October with follow-up calls in November and December.

There are more than 50 areas currently available across Sutton and people interested are being advised to make themselves known as soon as possible.

Cllr Colin Hall, Deputy Leader of the Council said: “Every year we require people to come forward and take part in a canvass of the borough. In this day-and-age when we are trying to increase local people’s interest in democracy it is important that they have all the information they need available and that the council has up-to-date records of their households.

“This is one of those services that we don’t just want local people to get involved in; we need them to. We’ve always had a good turnout in the past so hopefully this year won’t be any different.”

Pay for the role is awarded on a performance related basis and hours are flexible within a set timeframe so canvassing can be carried out alongside work or other commitments.

To apply call Electoral Services on 020 8770 4179 and for more information visit www.sutton.gov.uk and search for Temporary Electoral Registration Canvasser on the Jobs page.

Carshalton Grove/Westmead Road flooding issues

Cllr. Jill Whitehead says:

“Residents in Carshalton Grove have told us about the serious problems they are experiencing with flooding of their homes whenever it rains.”

We have been advised that the Thames Water main sewer has a blockage in the area of 64 to 70 Westmead Road, which is causing water to back up into Carshalton Grove. This also caused the mains pipes water burst in April 2012.  Your councillors have asked Thames Water to take remedial  action to stop this happening again, as clearly previous attempts had not succeeded in stopping the bursts. Please let us know if your property is flooding, and we will pass this information onto Thames Water for investigation.

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road – Care Home Planning Application update

Poets’ Estate resident Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: 

“Your councillors have been advised that a planning application (no. C2013/67749) has been received by Sutton Council for the variation of planning conditions for the redevelopment of Westmead House as a 74-bed care home between Kingsley Avenue and Cowper Avenue on the edge of the Poets’ Estate.

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

We have also been advised that there have been no approaches so far to the council planners about alternative uses of the site as houses, contrary to some local rumours.  The latest planning application is to carry out various changes to the extent of the approved obscure glazing to the upper floors of the proposed new multi-storey building. These measures were ordered by the planning inspector based in Bristol, to prevent overlooking to existing residences.  These are changes to condition 20 of planning application no. C2013/65431/FUL that was allowed on appeal that stated all windows on the first and second floors to the western and northern elevation should be obscure glazed up to a height of 1.5 metres above floor. Residents may wish to object by visiting the Council’s Web Address: –

Cllr Hamish Pollock says: Alan, Jill and myself as your local councillors worked alongside numerous local residents to ensure that the Council’s development control committee unanimously refused the care home application in June 2012. Alas the council’s decision supporting local residents and councillors’ views was undemocratically overturned by the decision of the unelected planning inspector based in Bristol, in the autumn 2012, as we reported in FOCUS at the time.

Tom Brake MP backs campaign against rogue traders

Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake has welcomed the plans to help protect vulnerable consumers from rogue traders.

The proposals, announced last week by Liberal Democrat Minister Jo Swinson, will give vulnerable customers new rights to cancel contracts and claim their money back if they were misled or bullied into buying goods or services.

Tom said: “We all know that there is an unscrupulous minority of sellers out there who prey on vulnerable consumers.”

“As an MP, I’ve heard many stories of vulnerable, often elderly, residents being misled into buying something they neither need nor want.”

“I am glad that the Government is taking action against rouge trading. The new legislation will help consumers fight their corner, and will protect them from exploitation by unscrupulous sellers.”

Rogue traders cost consumers billions of pounds per year and can cause considerable distress and alarm, especially to elderly and vulnerable people. The proposals, introduced by Liberal Democrats will make it easier for victims to reclaim money from rogue traders and allow them to make compensation claims for any alarm or distress caused by aggressive selling.

Amending the Consumer Protection Regulations from Unfair Trading Regulations will:

  • give consumers 90 days to cancel a contract and receive a full refund if they have been misled or bullied into agreeing it. After the 90 days consumers can still receive a proportion of their money back. Currently, it is unclear what consumers are entitled to in this situation.
  • give consumers new rights to recover payments made to traders who mislead or bully them into paying money which was not owed. Currently, the trader can be prosecuted but the consumer finds it much more difficult to get their money back; and
  • they will also have the right to claim compensation for any alarm or distress caused by these practices.

Corner of Milton Avenue and Westmead Road, Sutton

Jill, Hamish and Alan have taken up residents’ very understandable concerns about the state of the rendered wall of a privately-owned house abutting the pavement on the right hand side of Milton Avenue as you enter from Westmead Road, Sutton.  We have asked the council officers some weeks’ ago to enforce the building’s owners to carry out repairs after the pavement has been temporarily closed for some time now.   See also our posting for 3rd August 2013.  More in a future posting…

Jill and Alan inspect the crumbling render on the Milton Avenue pavement to the side of the house in Westmead Road

Jill and Alan inspect the crumbling render on the Milton Avenue pavement to the side of the house in Westmead Road

Environmental Fair, August Bank Holiday, Carshalton Park, Ruskin Road, Carshalton

Jill, Hamish and Alan will all be attending the Environmental Fair on August Bank Holiday. We’re due to be helping on one of the stalls selling lots and lots of good quality secondhand books!  We hope to see you there. The fair opens  at 10.30am. On average around 10,000 people attend during the day. Main Entrances are off Ruskin Road and The Park, Carshalton.

There’s something for everyone at Carshalton Environmental Fair. Lots of children’s activities from face painting, to craft activities and a pedal powered cycle challenge! Music and entertainment on three different stages to suit different tastes from rock to acoustic folk. Browse through over 130 stalls, craft, local produce. Speakers and info on environmental issues in the Carshalton Community Allotment marquee. Lots of tasty food, a bar and a cafe! Make a day of it! …

Put this date in your diary – come and visit Carshalton Environmental Fair for one of South London’s best days out! Over 130 stalls, children’s activities, local craft, interactive demonstrations, farmers’ market, music and performing arts, lots of tasty food, a bar with real ales and more, information, campaign groups and more…. showcasing local sustainability initiatives. There’s even a FREE bus to get you there! On average around 10,000 people attend. The event is organised by EcoLocal with a team of volunteers.

Children under 12: FREE
Adults: £4
Concessions and under 16s: £2

The Carshalton Environmental Fair is held in Carshalton Park , Ruskin Road, Carshalton, SM5 3DD – follow this link for more map link and bus details etc

Local booksellers: Cllr. Alan Salter and Jill Whitehead

Local booksellers: Councillors Alan Salter and Jill Whitehead at the Environmental Fair FOCUS bookstall