Butter Hill bridge on a sunny day…!
Sutton Council recently undertook a consultation recently regarding schemes to make the Butter Hill/ London Road junction much safer.
Recently there was a widespread local public consultation about which direction to give priority to in Butter Hill. This consultation included: distributing over 1,300 leaflets to homes and businesses in the Mill Lane and Butter Hill area; a public exhibition in the Westcroft Leisure Centre on 12-13th June; and a public meeting in Elm Grove Hall on 25th July. In addition, all the emergency services, London Buses, organisations with an interest in road safety and cycling and local residents’ associations were consulted.
The consultation resulted in a small majority for option 1 which is to give priority to traffic travelling from west to east through Butter Hill. So this option will now be implemented.
Butter Hill resident and local Councillor Alan Salter said: “I would like to thank all the residents and businesses that took the time and trouble to express their preferences as to which direction to afford priority to. While it was a close run thing, there was a majority in favour of the west to east option, so this scheme will be implemented to increase road safety in this narrow and busy road.”
Councillor Jill Whitehead said: “The scheme includes a new sign giving priority to traffic coming from west to east will be installed opposite the entrance to Caledon Road, with a sign saying traffic coming from the opposite direction has priority will be installed by 1 Butter Hill. Work on the whole scheme, which includes – improvements to the London Road/Butter Hill junction, a slight widening of the road by the Rose and Crown car park, as well as giving priority to traffic travelling along Butter Hill from west to east – is expected to start in the second half of October”.
Councillor Hamish Pollock said: “Once the scheme is up and running, the Council will need to study the impact on the area very carefully. If giving priority to traffic travelling along Butter Hill from west to east were to result in a back-up of traffic on the busy London Road, then it may be necessary to consider reversing the direction priority is given to. But let’s wait and see what the impact of the preference expressed by local residents is before we start considering any further changes.” MORE IN A FUTURE POSTING….