Parking and Dropped Kerbs & Highway Code etc.

parkingmadnessAlan, Hamish and Jill have received this information about parking in the vicinity of Dropped Kerbs and the law… this follows the enquiries of a number of residents recently…we thought you might be interested in this matter…

Parking on / next to dropped kerbs – (Contravention Code 27)

There are two types of dropped kerbs – those for pedestrians/wheelchairs/pushchairs and those outside driveways allowing easy access to the residents of individual houses. Dropped kerbs include pavements that have been lowered to the level of the road.

The law basically says that you should not obstruct dropped kerbs unless you are obstructing a dropped kerb outside a house with the permission of the owner. Of course, obstructing any dropped kerb will cause inconvenience either to the owner of the property who cannot obtain access or egress from their property, or in respect of pedestrian dropped kerbs you can even cause danger to pedestrians, particularly the elderly, disabled and mothers with prams. The legislation which allows local authorities to issue Penalty Charge Notices to vehicles parked across kerbs is the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the London Local Authorities and Transport Act 2003. Parking across certain dropped kerbs is also contrary to Highway Code rule 243 which states:

Do not stop or park:

  • Where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles;
  • In front of an entrance to a property.

This offence applies to all motorists, including

  • Blue Badge holders
  • Motorcyclists
  • Permit holders

Recent legislation allows councils to enforce against vehicles which may cause an obstruction. The Council will issue a Penalty Charge Notice where a vehicle has parked obstructing a dropped kerb.

Pedestrian/wheelchair/pushchair dropped kerbs

You cannot park adjacent to a pedestrian/wheelchair/pushchair dropped kerb irrespective of whether yellow lines are present or not and we will proactively enforce against any vehicle parked adjacent to them.

By parking in this manner you:

  • Make it difficult for people with wheelchairs and pushchairs
  • Making crossing the road difficult for the elderly and disabled people
  • Obstruct the view of motorist turning at junctions

Dropped kerbs for access to off-street areas

These dropped kerbs (driveways) allow access from the street to private off-street areas and may serve either a single property or more than one.

Vehicles parked adjacent to a dropped kerb may be issued with Penalty Charge Notices.

Driveways that serve a single property

Provided there is no enforceable yellow line, you and your visitors may park adjacent to your driveway without penalty provided all of the vehicles’ wheels are in the carriageway. For this reason, we can only enforce when a specific request of the property occupier is received.

To request enforcement action, you will need to provide your name and address, a landline telephone number and details of the offending vehicle. Our enforcement officers will then check with you on arrival.

Driveways used by more than one property

Where multiple occupiers have access, such as a block of flats, a property converted into flats or offices occupiers cannot park their own vehicle or give permission for others to park across these driveways. To do so would deny others access to their property.

How to report a problem

To report an obstruction contact Sutton Council’s parking enforcement contractor on 020 8661 1881 (8.00am – 9.00pm Monday – Sunday)


NHS celebrates 65th Birthday

Carshalton and Wallington MP Tom Brake recently congratulated Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) on reaching its 65th Birthday. Tom said: “The NHS is one of Britain’s greatest achievements and one of our country’s most valued and valuable institutions. I would like to say ‘thank you’ to the thousands of staff who have nurtured the health of the nation over the last 65 years. Long may it continue.”

“We are fortunate in Carshalton and Wallington in having the St Helier Hospital, but with A&E and maternity services currently under threat, we certainly don’t take our NHS for granted.”

“Today more than ever people depend on it throughout their lives. The Liberal Democrats in government are committed to protecting an NHS that is free for all, and which continues to adapt itself to the changing needs of modern Britain.”

5 July 2013 marked the 65th anniversary of the founding of the NHS. Across the UK health professionals are celebrating the NHS’ birthday. Local residents have been getting in touch with their MP Tom Brake to wish the NHS a happy birthday. Messages from constituents saying how much they value NHS wereput on a giant birthday card that the MP presented to St Helier Hospital staff .

One Planet Sutton Consultation

Cllr. Jill Whitehead, Chair of the Council’s Environment & Neighbourhoods Committee says: “Sutton Council is committed to ensuring local residents are able to live happy, healthy lives in a way which helps to save money and our resources. This is why Sutton Council committed to becoming a One Planet Living Borough in 2009.”


Cllr. Alan Salter says: “Being a One Planet Living Borough means that we are committed to helping residents lead lives that are environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. One Planet Living is our approach to helping Sutton become a fairer, greener, safer borough, for example; to help meet our targets to reduce CO2 from across the borough will require actions that help lower residents fuel bills, reduce fuel poverty and reduce cold weather related deaths. Increasing the use of sustainable transport, improving our green spaces and encouraging local food growing will help improve resident’s health.”

Why We Are Consulting

Much has changed since the publication of our first One Planet Sutton targets and action plan.   A review of Sutton’s progress towards our original One Planet Living targets can be found at

To reaffirm our commitment to One Planet Living, and to ensure our targets are challenging but realistic , the council has worked with community groups and businesses from across the borough to propose a revised set of One Planet Sutton Targets.

This consultation allows residents, community groups, local businesses, and organisations to join us in the challenge of working together to set and achieve these new targets.

We welcome your views on the proposed targets which can be found in the Related Documents section.

Give Us Your Views: Online Survey

The Consultation closes on 15th August.
Heard about One Planet living? One planet living, a joint venture between BioRegional and WWF, sets up eco-villages around the world according to 10 guiding principles:

  • zero carbon
  • zero waste
  • sustainable transport
  • local and sustainable materials
  • local and sustainable food
  • sustainable water
  • natural habitats and wildlife
  • culture and heritage
  • equity and fair trade
  • health and happiness

The Future of Wallington’s Crown Post Office: Tom Brake asks for your views…


A letter is in from Tom Brake MP for the constituency of Carshalton & Wallington about a major Post Office that many Carshalton residents may use from time to time…

Dear Hamish,
As you may be aware, I recently joined local residents, Post Office workers and Union reps at a public meeting to discuss the future of the Crown Post Office in Wallington.
At the meeting the Post Office outlined their proposal to seek a retailer (such as a supermarket) who would provide Post Office services alongside their commercial activities.
The Post Office say they need to do this to cut the running costs of the Crown Offices which are currently losing £37 million per year.  Any partner will need to pass a number of tests, including one of financial viability and would be subject to a public consultation.
The Post Office have stated that if they cannot identify a partner, they will leave the Crown Office unchanged.

Union representatives, Post Office staff and customers raised concerns about the impact any changes will have on customers, such as:

  • What would happen if the supermarket decides to close the Post Office, will the new Post Office be accessible?
  • Will staff have the right level of experience?
  • Will the queues be longer?
  • And what will happen to the very experienced staff who currently work in the Wallington Crown Office?

At the end of the meeting, the view of the audience was clear – they wanted the Post Office to look at ways to keep the Crown Office where it is and run by the Post Office.
I asked the Post Office to examine ways to make the Wallington Crown Office more profitable, by negotiating a reduced rent for the premises (which they do not own), increasing the range of services they provide (to increase the income) and maximise income by making full use of the building.
I want to know your views on the future of Wallington Post Office. Should the existing Post Office by merged with another retailer? Do you want dedicated Post Office staff located in Wallington?
Send me your views by replying to this email and I will ensure that I pass them onto the Post Office.

Best Wishes
Tom Brake MP
Liberal Democrat for Carshalton and Wallington

PS. Do you have a favorite local shop, local trader or business in Carshalton or Wallington? Nominate them in my Independent Business Competition by clicking here

Sutton’s Age UK

Are you, or someone you know, tired of looking at the same 4 walls? … and fed up with watching daytime television? Then why not let Age UK Sutton help you to go out and about or meet new friends in a trusted volunteer’s home?

Age UK Sutton has volunteer hosts that will open up their home once a week for people like you. They will provide a home-cooked meal in comfortable surroundings. A friendly place where you can chat and make new friends.

Volunteer Hosts required

Would you like to be a volunteer host? Do you want to make a difference to older people? Are you friendly, can commit to a few hours once a week or fortnight? Average expenses to cover food, contribution to electricity/gas approximately £24 a day.

If you are interested in either attending or hosting a group,
please telephone 020 8770 4091 or email

Carshalton Pond Railings Repairs

Transport-for-London1A response is now in from Transport for London about the Carshalton Pond railings repairs  as recently requested by local councillors Jill, Alan and Hamish. 

Not so long agao...Snow by Carshalton's First World War Memorial...

Pond Railings in the winter!

 “Thank you for the email.

We did repair the railings as promised in my email of 28th June, but as Cllr Whitehead points out, there was a subsequent vehicle strike. We have nonetheless been able to repair all but one of the posts (and consequently two rails), but have provided temporary fencing. The final post and rails are scheduled to be repaired by early next week.

If we had to use a stronger attachment as Cllr Whitehead suggests, then we would expect the brickwork to be damaged as well in the event of a vehicle strike. This would result in very long repair times and would need to be done in phases to allow the brickwork to cure before the posts could be re-attached. The current design works well as only the bolts are intended to snap off, and this allows us to make prompt repairs.

Kind regards


Christian van der Nest | Surface Government Relations Manager

TfL Surface Transport, 11th Floor, Zone R3, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ

Tel: 020 3054 0169 | Auto: 80169 | Mobile: 07872 465689 | Email:

Grosvenor Avenue/Park Lane Junction works finished on 13th July

Cllr. Hamish Pollock had asked the council’s highways officers on 9th July when the road works would be completely finished off.

The bollards to the new refuge islands had not been installed – these are the illuminated bollards to the new northernmost refuge which are missing along with the tarmac (?) finish after several weeks after the other “wet trades” building work was all finished. 

We have been told that the bollards will be installed tomorrow (11 July) and the missing tarmac to the refuge islands will be completed on Friday 12th July 2013.

Update 13th July – Job Done!

A232 Carshalton Road Roadworks Night-Time Diversions 9pm-5.30am from Monday 22nd July 2013


Transport for London who are accountable to the Greater London Assembly and The London Mayor (not Sutton Council) have applied a ROAD WORKS traffic order on the A232 Red Route for a road diversion for night time working in our part of Carshalton between King’s Lane and Alma Road with effect from Monday, 22nd July 2013. Traffic will be diverted as per the message below. 

The plans we’ve been sent can be viewed by clicking on the three links below.

1054134-TM-100-001  1054134-TM-100-002 1054134-TM-100-003 


Made                                                        5th July 2013

Coming into force                                   22nd July 2013

Transport for London in exercise of the powers conferred by section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984a, and of all other enabling powers, hereby makes the following Order:-

1.      This Order may be cited as The A217 and A232 GLA Roads (St Dunstan’s Hill and Carshalton Road, London Borough of Sutton) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Stopping) Order 2013, and shall come into force on the 22nd July 2013.

2.      This Order is made because Transport for London is satisfied that traffic in the London Borough of Sutton should be prohibited from making certain movements and stopping on or near  A217 St Dunstan’s Hill and A232 Carshalton Road because works are being executed.

3.      Between 22nd July 2013 and 12th December 2013 every night from 9:00 PM to 5:30 AM or when those works have been completed, whichever is the sooner, subject to the provisions of article 4 below, no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to:

(1)        proceed on A217 St Dunstan’s Hill and Oldfields Road between their junctions with High Street and Sutton Common Road. Local access only will be maintained;

(2)        enter or exit A217 St Dunstan’s Hill at its junction with Lumley Road, Alma Crescent, Church Hill Road, Alberta Avenue;

(3)        stop on A217 St Dunstan’s Hill between its junctions with Alma Crescent and Lumley Road;

(4)        enter or exit A232 Carshalton Road at its junction with Ringstead Road, Weihurst Gardens, King’s Lane, Alma Road, Oxford Road, Harrow Road, Highfield Road. Local access will be maintained;

(5)        enter, exit or proceed on A232 Carshalton Road between its junctions with Highfield Road and Alma Road. Local access will be maintained;

(6)        stop on A232 Carshalton Road between its junctions with Alma Road and King’s Lane

4.      (1) The provisions of article 3 above shall apply only during such times and to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by traffic signs.

(2)        The provisions specified in article 3 above shall not apply in respect of:

(i)        any vehicle being used for the purposes of those works;

(ii)      any vehicle on any occasion when it is being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes if the observance of those provisions would hinder the use of the vehicle;

(iii)    anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or a person authorised by Transport for London.

5.      At such times as the traffic prohibitions are in force alternative routes will be indicated by traffic signs.

Dated this 5th day of July 2013

Mark Beasley

Head of Planned Interventions

Transport for London

Well done Andy Murray

On a boiling hot day:- After 77 years Andy Murray wins Wimbledon on the 7th day of the 7th month as the first male Briton to do so since Fred Perry in 1936. The last women’s Wimbledon winner was Virginia Wade in the 7th month of 1977. Many congratulations to Andy!

andy murray