Further to recent local discussion about the shops in Carshalton High Street, Jill, Alan and Hamish have been asked for their opinions as the local councillors on a possible Carshalton Market in The Grove Park by the East Pond walkway. We would be interested to hear of residents’ views on this matter.
For a map click on: proposed site plan
This idea is being promoted by Eco-Local, a local charity. Having visited several sites, Eco-Local concluded that the ‘driveway’ (now only used as a footpath) along the side of the East Pond would be the best location. Stalls could be located on the grass allowing the majority of the tarmac path width (approx 4m) available for pedestrians, and suitable for emergency access.
The site is bounded by a thick yew hedge providing a natural pedestrian safety barrier along the pond. The site does not impinge on park areas where children play. The market would be visible to drivers and bus passengers approaching Carshalton along Pound Street and North Street. The site is easily accessible from the High Street, and offers the opportunity to ‘extend’ the high street. Vehicle access is possible from the car park for stall holders to set up and take down.
Vehicle movement in the park would be carefully managed. Eco-Local say that they have several years experience of managing vehicle movement in the pedestrianised Sutton High Street for the Sutton Produce and Craft Market. The site easily accommodates 10 stalls and is level As the site is well off the public highway, the market would be able to operate without a trading licence, saving the market significant costs in the long term. Eco-Local advise us that they now have 5 stalls confirmed they would like to attend and several others interested.