Accidents in Carshalton

Recently there have been two serious accidents in Carshalton Village, one by the western end of the Pond Railings and an equally disturbing one at the junction of Carshalton Park Road with Beynon Road.

Cllr. Jill Whitehead reports: “Transport for London have told our Lib Dem GLA member Caroline Pidgeon, that the scheme to replace the railings was to address the issue that the old posts and rails were in a poor state of repair and, when hit by vehicles, were causing significant damage to the listed wall surrounding the ponds and were frequently requiring costly and lengthy repairs. The new posts are designed to shear at the base upon major vehicle impact, thereby minimising the damage to the wall.  They are not designed to restrain vehicles from entering the ponds except as a visual deterrent or under very minor impact.  The new system allows our contractors to replace any damaged sections promptly and with less disruption to traffic in the area. Following the recent incident at the western pond, the posts and rails are due to be replaced in the next few days”.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock has asked council highways officers to look again urgently into the accident “black spot” at the junction of Carshalton Park Road and Beynon Road. A few days’ ago a major traffic accident took place causing serious damage to a number of cars and the property(ies) near the junction. It appears that there was no serious injury to drivers, passengers or passers-by, thank goodness.

One local resident of Carshalton Park Road who raised their concerns said: “Steps were taken some years ago to slow the speed of traffic entering Carshalton Park Road (from the main road section to the minor road section) through (the) installation of additional bollards and a narrowing of the entrance. However, some cars continue to travel too quickly either into (the minor road section of) Carshalton Park Road or around the corner towards The Parade. In the last year another neighbour in Carshalton Park Road had their front wall destroyed by a car travelling in the other direction towards the Beynon Road junction. Within the last few years another wall was destroyed on the corner of Beynon and Salisbury Roads”.

More in a future posting…

Greener Travel

Carshalton Central ward Cllr. Alan Salter says: “The Council supports the use of zero and low emission vehicles as a way of improving air quality and reducing CO2 emissions, as well as reducing noise pollution.”

He added: “Sutton Council is one of the first boroughs in the country to install public electric vehicle charging points in our car parks in the late 1990s as part of an European Union project. The Council have recently upgraded some of the charging points in Sutton so that they are part of TfL’s Source London network. The Council is in the process of installing further points in the Wallington Library car park and at the Westcroft Leisure Centre and Sutton Life Centre car parks. The Council will consider installing additional points, including in disabled bays, should there be sufficient demand, which at present is very low.”

Wallington Station Bridge Repainted

A photo taken on Valentine’s Day by Cllr. Hamish Pollock of the latest state of redecoration of the railway bridge at Wallington Station, Woodcote Road. 

We assume that the final colour is on the right – is it called “Lincoln green”? For many years this bridge has carried a red/orange-coloured advert on both sides for an Estate Agents that has faded away in the sunlight and thus made this prominent corner of Wallington town centre look just a little bit shabby! The redecoration works are taking place after a campaign by the local Lib Dem councillors for Wallington South.

Wallington Station Bridge as viewed on 14th February 2013

Wallington Station Bridge as viewed on 14th February 2013

Sutton Point near Sutton Station: Update and Exhibition

In July 2012 CNM Estates (a developer) presented its initial plans for the redevelopment of its town centre site at Sutton Point next to the Sutton Train Station.

Since then it has twice updated the Sutton Local Committee on progress with the proposals and has received feedback from all sections of the community. Over the past six months the developer’s team have worked closely with the Council’s planning, design and transport officers, and with the GLA and TfL, to make use of all the community comments and officer advice to formulate our detailed plans. The developer’s team are apparently now very close to completing the proposals and want to show everyone what they have in mind before submitting an actual planning application. 

Their second public exhibition of proposals is being held in the Sutton Holiday Inn on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week 12th and 13th February. We are told that the exhibition is open from 11am to 7:30pm on both days.

There will be representatives from all the key members of the professional team to show members of the public the scheme in detail and answer any questions on the evening of Tuesday 12th February from 6pm to 7:30pm.

There will still be some employment opportunities in serviced office space and start-up business facilities for Sutton’s entrepreneurs. The proposals will also include a 130 bed hotel; shops, restaurants and cafés along a new public plaza; 300 stunning apartments, including affordable housing; all with ample underground car parking.

The regeneration plans for Sutton Point also include space for the prospect of the tram coming to Sutton and will ensure good pedestrian and transport links with the station and the rest of the town centre. As the developer’s plans are nearing completion, they are keen to hear what local people think before they submit a planning application.

Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee Tuesday 12th February 2013

Cllr. Hamish Pollock, chair of the Council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee says: “If you want to influence how your neighbourhood is shaped, come along to one of our local committee meetings. They run six times a year and they’re an interesting way to get more involved in local life. The Carshalton and Clockhouse Local Committee covers an area from the Poets’ Estate, to Carshalton Ponds and Oaks Park.  Over the past year, our committee has approved spending of over £100,000 for projects in your area. This includesnew Christmas lights for Carshalton High Street, a special crossing in Woodmansterne Road for disabled riders at the Diamond Riding Centre, trees and bulbs in Carshalton Park, establishing a free grit collection point at Clockhouse, installing a sign board and map at Warren Park and outdoor gyms at The Grove Park and Corrigan Recreation Ground. The committee is now considering detailed proposals for a World War Two Memorial near Carshalton Ponds, a yellow line parking scheme at Barrow Hedges Way and Waverley Way and cycle paths through Carshalton Park and Oaks Park.

The next meeting is on 12 February at 7.30pm at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton Beeches SM5 3NL. To find out more, visit



Wallington’s Mum2mum Baby/Children Nearly New Sale 23rd February from 11am to 1pm


Mum2mum market is a pop up market of nearly new baby, kids and maternity goods in various locations within the Sutton Borough, where mums sell to mums. They bring together mums with lightly used baby and children’s goods and mums looking for preloved quality brands at a fraction of the high street price.
They have regular monthly sales- see website for details or join us on their Facebook Page

Top quality Children’s goods

But top quality pre loved baby and children’s goods at a fraction of the high street price- all great brands in top condition. At a mum2mum market you can find a huge variety of baby and children’s goods- just about everything imaginable for babies and children aged 0 to 6 Entry is £2 on the door or 2 for 1 voucher on website…everyone welcome. (children are free),

SELL your outgrown baby and kids stuff to other mums and keep 100% of the proceeds. Don’t worry if you’ve never sold before- our sellers pack will guide you through the process, helping you to get the pricing and presentation right so you maximise your sales on the day.

Sat 23rd February 11am-1pm
At Wallington United Reformed Church, Stanley Park Rd, SM6 0EU

For a full list of there other venues see their website.

Link to the post:

Link to Wallington Residents Information:

Local MP meets travel watchdog about the 154 Bus Route

Tom Brake MP for Carshalton and Wallington met with the representatives of London TravelWatch, an independent consumer watchdog for London’s travelling public, to discuss the lack of night service provision in Carshalton and Wallington, and the possible extension of 154 bus hours.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: “The 154 bus routes runs between Morden Tube Station and West Croydon London Overground/Train Station and passes through our area via Westmead Road, up Ringstead Road, along Carshalton Road, past “The Windsor Castle” and up Park Hill. It has been a very well used service for many decades.”

links_london_travelwatchCommenting on the meeting, with Janet Cooke and Tim Bellenger, Tom Brake said:

“The removal of the N213 left us without a night bus in Carshalton and Wallington. Yet, we need a night service to help those who commute outside standard working hours, as well as to ensure the safety of anyone travelling home at night.”

“During the meeting with London TravelWatch I discussed a number of travel issues, but the main focus was the possibility of extending the operating times of the 154 route. This could at least partly compensate for the loss on N213.”

“With their help, I will continue to press TfL for a fair deal for Carshalton and Wallington travellers.”

Carshalton Garage in Westmead Road about 50 years ago....

A traditional bus emerges from Carshalton Garage in Westmead Road about 50 years ago….

Transport for London (TfL) axed the N213 route in 2009, arguing that it was underused. Despite over 5,000 signatures on the petition calling for reinstatement of a night bus between Sutton and Croydon, TfL has repeatedly refused to reintroduce it, maintaining that a night bus operating on this route would be “not worthwhile”.

Reducing the time between the last and first bus on the 154 route would provide Carshalton and Wallington residents with at least a partial night service. As the current gap is less than 4 hours, the additional service every 30 minutes would only require a few additional journeys. Additionally, timetabling the route to connect the N155 at Morden and N44 at Rosehill, would provide better connection for those travelling from at night to Carshalton and Wallington from Central London.

Ornamental Garden, between Talbot Road and Ruskin Road, Carshalton

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports as Chair of Friends of Carshalton Park & The Ornamental Garden: ” The Council have recently given the trees, shrubs and bushes a bit of a hair cut which had become very necessary in this strip between Ruskin Road and Talbot Road, which is used a cut-through to the Carshalton Park main gates up from the Village. I met officers from the Council’s very busy parks department on a very cold Friday morning to discuss this garden and many other parks-related matters throughout the borough. An awful lot of dead wood has been removed recently. The council have recently ordered a significant amount of new plants for “filling the gaps” in this century-old garden including myrtle, paeonies, bee buckthorn, leycesteria, pittospoum tenuifolium and berberis. Last autumn the Friends of Carshalton Park planted a huge number of bulbs in the garden and hopefully these will appear soon after the long cold weather snap.”

Ornamental Garden, Ruskin Road on 8th February 2013

Ornamental Garden, Ruskin Road on 8th February 2013

Carshalton Park Road – Street Care Matters

Cllr. Hamish Pollock has reported a number of issues in Carshalton Park Road to council staff in recent days for some action:-

1) Debris and old leaf mould on the pavements/gutters in Carshalton Park Road, where there are a lot of street trees.  The council staff did an excellent job last Friday clearing the road from Park Hill down and getting between as many cars as could be done realistically, there were many white sacks piled up on the junction. For any uncompleted areas (parked cars where access and effective cleaning was difficult) the officers say they will arrange for another visit.

2) A request for a new bench to be installed on the piece of grass by the cemetery opposite numbers 16 or 18 Carshalton Park Road where the road is particularly steep.  Hopefully money can be found for this perhaps from the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee.

3) A request for the grubby large road sign saying “B278” outside no. 161 Carshalton Park Road by Park Hill to be cleaned. This has just been cleaned following our request.

Thanks yet again for the excellent hard work of the council officers and staff..!

Warm Rooms

With cold weather still dragging on, a unique partnership between Sutton Council, community nurses, the Citizens Advice Bureaux and Ecolocal is helping vulnerable people survive sub-zero conditions.

Sutton Council’s Warm Rooms project uses a £72,000 Department of Health grant to provide emergency assistance to sick, elderly and vulnerable residents living in properties that are poorly-prepared for winter weather.

And an innovative tie-in with community nurses now means that people in desperate need can be quickly identified and helped.

Cllr Heather Honour, Vice Chair of Sutton Council’s Adult Social Services and Health Committee, said: “Warm Rooms could be a real lifesaver.

“This unique project not only offers vital and timely help, but also provides real value-for-money for the borough as it is funded by a grant from the National Health Service.”

Once people in need are identified, through referrals from health workers or the council’s own meals on wheels service or by getting in touch themselves, an expert visits to assess their needs.

The CAB is informed so they can check that residents are claiming the right benefits and the home check flags up what needs to be done immediately to make people more comfortable.

Matt Willetts, Warm Rooms Project Manager, said: “It can be really simple things like checking sofas aren’t pushed up against radiators and that ventilation is adequate. They are little things, but they can save lives.”

The authority can then provide help including draught proofing, lined curtains, thermal clothing and warm bedding to help vulnerable people survive the worst of the cold weather.

Once the emergency help is in place, residents can then be referred to other council departments and agencies which can provide longer-term help and advice with issues such as insulation and boilers.

To access help call 020 8770 5070 or email