“Let there be light…in Carshalton” say Councillors

Your councillors have underlined their promise to commit their funds to Christmas lights in Carshalton for at least the next two years.

Carshalton Village, which previously soldiered on in darkness during the Christmas months, finally has its own bit of festive sparkle.  Council officers, working with Transport for London and the traders association, installed new Christmas lights from the Carshalton Ponds to the new Westcroft Leisure centre entrance. It is hoped the lights will increase footfall and boost local businesses in the area. A crowd of delighted residents attended the official light switch on at 6pm on Friday 30 November 2012. The lights were set-up ahead of the Carshalton Frost Fair, held on the following day, and will remain in place until January 2013. Cllr. Jill Whitehead, Chair of Environment and Neighbourhood Committee and a councillor for Carshalton Central ward said: “This year’s light switch on was a fantastic success and we are delighted to continue supporting the celebrations for the next two years. Christmas lights are an important part of the festive season and Carshalton deserves the chance to get involved too.”

Chairman of Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee Hamish Pollock said: “The decision to bring light to Carshalton was unanimously agreed at a local committee meeting in April earlier this year in answer to requests that Christmas lights be funded using money from the public realm. The requests, supported by ward councillors, came from the traders association, and a number of residents’ groups.”

Lib Dem holds Stonecot By-Election

The Liberal Democrat candidate Nick Emmerson held the seat at the Stonecot ward council byelection that took place on Thursday, 6th December.  He achieved a large swing towards the Liberal Democrats from the Conservatives since the previous local elections in May 2010.  The Labour Party candidate came third.

Nick Emmerson (Lib Dem) – 1,034 votes 53.2% – Elected

Graham Jarvis (Tory) – 402 votes 20.7%

Bonnie Craven (Labour) – 289 votes 14.9%

Lt Cmr Jeremy Wraith (UKIP) – 182 votes 9.4%

Joan Hartfield (Green) – 32 votes 1.6%

This follows a comprehensive victory in the Worcester Park byelection earlier this year – another seat the Tories fancied – the Stonecot result will also be a blow to local Conservatives.

Today is the 40th anniversary of the Sutton and Cheam by-election which was won by the Liberal candidate Graham Tope who is still a Sutton councillor after 38 years so far of representing Sutton Central ward!


Sutton’s Liberal Democrat Councillors are planning, when the Council sets its budget next year, to freeze Council tax for a fourth successive year.

Sutton Council Tax unchanged since 2010

This will mean that Council tax will remain the same in 2013/14 as it was in 2009/10.

From the viewpoint of your local councillors, Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and Hamish Pollock, this will mean that since we were elected as a team in May 2010 there will have been no increase in Council tax. We are doing this as, while the economy is starting to pick up, things remain tight for our local residents.

Wallington Station Railway Bridge to be painted soon

The railway bridge at Wallington Station will be repainted in January after a campaign by local Lib Dem Councillors. In order for the work to be carried out safely the council needs to introduce a temporary way for traffic and pedestrians to move under the railway bridge at the junction with Manor Road and Woodcote Road.

Wallington Station Railway Bridge to be redecorated soon!

The Temporary Traffic Management Order will come into effect on Monday 14 January 2013 with works taking place at night between the hours of 10.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m. It is expected that the works will be finished by 25 February 2013.  However, the Order will remain in force for 18 months to be re-introduced should further works be required.
When the works are taking place and the appropriate traffic signs are displayed the Order will close certain lengths of pavements in Manor Road and Woodcote Road on the approach to the bridge. The pavements will only be closed one side at a time depending on which side of the bridge is being worked on.

More Free Grit

On Saturday 15th and 16th December Sutton Council will be  handing out more Free Grit.

It is available from B&Q in Carshalton Road, Sutton, where visitors can also get 10 per cent off the price of a snow shovel while they are there, Woodcote Green Garden Centre & Nurseries in Woodmansterne Lane, Kimpton Park Way Reuse and Recycling Centre and The Mount in Clockhouse.

At Kimpton Park Way, Sutton residents have to bring their own container for the grit, but you can log on to www.sutton.gov.uk/kimptonwebcam to check if there is a queue before you go…

In order to claim your free grit you will need to bring your council tax bill or a current utility bill. And anyone who wants to help a neighbour can bring along one of their bills and collect the grit on their behalf.  Residents who currently receive an assisted bin collection can have the grit delivered to them. Simply call 020 8770 5070 for details.

For details on how to use the grit go to www.sutton.gov.uk/gritting

Jill, Alan and Hamish are very glad the grit is back for another weekend.

A white December already

Cllr. Hamish Pollock reports: The first snowfall of this autumn/winter came down at around 7.30- 8am yesterday in Carshalton and about an inch of snow fell.  It soon melted away. This picture is of the Charles Cryer Theatre (former Carshalton Public Hall) which was re-opened in the autumn of 1991 by HRH The Earl of Wessex (Prince Edward)  and the first Christmas lights in Carshalton High Street.

Christmas Lights and Snow in Carshalton Village

Sutton aims to become London’s Green business hub

Sutton took its first steps towards creating a regional centre for Green business when it played host to a conference to encourage economic growth and job creation in the sector in November.

The event – creating a Green Economy – featured presentations from Sue Riddlestone, CEO and co-founder of the world famous organisation BioRegional, and Steve Turner, Head of Carbon Economy at the Commission of the New Economy in Manchester.

The day was opened by Cllr. Ruth Dombey, Leader of Sutton Council, who told an audience of business leaders, education providers and politicians: “We are ready to capitalise on our strategic position in London, our first class schools and our enviable infrastructure. We are open for business and ready to build on our existing sustainability credentials to become a magnet for Green enterprise.”

“The Green economy is the fastest growing sector in the world and we aim to be a Green business hub. This aspiration complements our long-held values and will benefit the entire region.

“We are an ambitious authority who understand the potential for councils to help create new jobs. We are working with our partners to help create better conditions for growth especially for those who produce Green goods, deliver Green services and invest in sustainable business practices.”

Sutton has a long-standing commitment to Green issues. It embraced the principles of One Planet Living – a drive to reduce our ecological footprint to a sustainable level – and, in 2009, formed a partnership with BioRegional to create One Planet Sutton, to seek solutions to environmental concerns.

BioRegional helped to initiate the BedZED environmentally-friendly housing development in Hackbridge. Finished in 2002, it was designed to support a sustainable lifestyle and a recent survey of the occupiers of the 82 homes found they used considerably less electricity and mains water than UK averages.

Since then projects undertaken for One Planet Sutton have included the Greening Business in Hackbridge network and the ongoing development of the Felnex site to provide housing on the BedZED model.

Sue Riddlestone then told the audience: “The Green economy presents unrivalled business opportunities.”

Steve Turner talked about Manchester’s experience of forging a Green identity and stressed that it was vital for a region to “build on its assets and infrastructure”.

Expanding his ideas, Steve said: “We worked very closely with colleges and businesses to understand firstly what skills were needed and then how to provide the right training.”

He went on to say: “The UK is very poor at enabling business to work with the research sector so for us it was key to bring our two major universities and small and medium-sized businesses together.”

Mandy Cherrington, Head of Economic Renewal and the Business Environment, described the borough’s “vision for sustainable growth”.

Cllr Jayne McCoy, Chair of Sutton’s Housing, Economy and Business Committee, said: “We will work with business and government, we know we cannot do it alone. We especially want to work with the Mayor of London to make sure the tram extension can be brought to Sutton where the potential for job creation is richest.

“Trams are a highly sustainable means of transport, so bringing the Croydon Tramlink extension to Sutton will not only boost the local economy but will also fit in with our One Planet Living strategy.”

The event built on the successful Opportunity Sutton investment conference event in June this year which brought together entrepreneurs and business leaders who heard Business Secretary Vince Cable enthusiastically back plans to make Sutton a ‘Green hub’ for business. Bedzed

Parks Friends Groups Meeting

Carshalton Central ward Councillors Hamish Pollock and Jill Whitehead attended a parks friends group meeting at the Civic Offices, in Sutton, last week. It was a well attended meeting – about 35 residents/representatives of various local parks in the borough turned up to hear from the council’s parks department’s officers about developments in the borough’s parks. The issues discussed included the maintenance of trees in parks, playgrounds, play equipment, multi-gyms, travellers using parks, bulb-planting campaigns, and parks’ security. 

Representatives from Friends of Carshalton Park and Friends of The Grove turned up, both groups of which Hamish is the fairly newly-elected chairman!

Jill (in pink top) and the council's parks officers discussing issues last week

Wentworth Hall, 80 Ruskin Road – Update

The Council’s Planning Enforcement Officers have been asked by the local councillors to check out the situation “on the ground”  regarding the landscaped area being built at the front of Wentworth Hall, 80 Ruskin Road and to ensure that it is being completed in accordance with the permitted drawings.  The site is at the junction of the busy Ruskin Road and Woodstock Road. Some local residents have expressed their understandable concerns that the permitted planning drawings have not been followed by the developer.  More in a future posting…

Consultation on Ruskin Road/Park Lane Traffic Lights


Ruskin Road/Park Lane junction as pictured earlier this year

On the 22nd February 2012, Sutton Council’s Development Control Committee approved a planning application for the major extension of All Saints’ School, located in Rotherfield Road, the building of which has recently been completed. 

The approved scheme for the school will result in an increase in pupil numbers from 245 primary school places plus 26 nursery places, to 320 primary school places plus 52 nursery places. Consequently, both the Council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse and Beddington & Wallington Local Committees were asked to consider a review of pedestrian crossing facilities within the area.  The busy Ruskin Road/Park Lane junction was highlighted as a location with scope for improvement to incorporate a controlled crossing for pedestrians. After an initial design study, two options have been considered recently by the Council for consultation with local residents, local councillors and other interested persons.

Local residents in the area will be receiving in a few days’ time the information in more detail and a questionnaire with a reply-paid envelope.