Shorts Road Former Express Dairy Corner Site & 229-245 Carshalton Road Traffic Problems


Corner of Shorts Road and Carshalton Road

Jill, Alan and Hamish have taken up residents’ concerns about traffic congestion in and around Carshalton Road and Shorts Road being caused by the lorries to and from the huge flats construction site at 229-245 Carshalton Road.  When allowing the planning appeal for the development of this site, a condition was imposed by the planning inspector saying that the construction method statement had to be carried out in accordance with a Project Execution Plan which clearly states that the developer’s contractor would implement a pre-booked delivery services, planned weekly which would lead to:

The avoidance of traffic congestion; ‘Just in time’ management of materials; Deliveries scheduled to arrive after 9am and before 3pm unless essential.

In addition the developer’s contractor stated that to ‘enforce the above procedure, we would turn away deliveries that have not been pre-arranged.’  They also indicated that would prepare a proposed Construction Routing Plan for inclusion in sub contractors orders.  Whilst it was stated that no access would be via Alma Road and only Westmead Road, at the time, it was not anticipated that the gas roadworks would be occurring at the same time. Planning legislation does not extend to control such gas roadworks.

However with regard to deliveries, the Council’s officers have contacted the developer’s agents on every occasion of a possible alleged breach to remind them of their agreed Project Execution Plan.  The Council’s officers have kindly agreed to contact them again on this matter and ask for details of their recorded delivery schedules.  The developer’s contractor will also have to answer to the Council’s Enforcement officers regarding the possible breach of Planning Conditions. 

We ask that future residents complaints are sent to us so that they can be directed to Mr Lowe at Sutton Council so that he can now maintain a thorough record.

So, in the meantime if local residents can PLEASE maintain a log of activity and let us know by E-mail at one of the councillors’ addresses on this web site when they see deliveries arriving before 9am and after 3 am, including date, time, vehicle, company and if possible a photograph, this would be very useful for forwarding on to the Council’s Enforcement Officers.

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