“Carshalton. This is Carshalton”…..Carshalton Station One-Way System – Southern Railways say “No Change”

Local Councillors Jill Whitehead, Alan Salter and Hamish Pollock have recently received a copy of a message from Southern Railways regarding the newly-created one-way system at Carshalton Railway Station running from North Street to West Street. 

Carshalton Station's One Way System

Carshalton Station’s One Way System

Our keener readers may recall previous reports on this web site that some local residents and councillors were concerned that the one-way system ran parallel with that of the parallel Camden Road leading to extra-long journeys around this part of Carshalton if you are travelling from the roads on the West Street side.

I just wanted to confirm the ongoing plan for the Carshalton (Station) access road. 

 Following the concerns raised about the direction of the access road we agreed to conduct a survey of car users at the station.  We put survey sheets on car windscreens and they were available in the ticket office window and at the gateline.  We had posters up at the station advertising the survey.  From the returned surveys there was a slight majority in favour of keeping the direction of flow the same as it is now.  We therefore plan to do this but we will also be improving the signage to show that cyclist can access the station in either direction and improving the lining to make the one way system clearer – two items that were also raised. 

The station team will confirm this via posters at the station.  Are you able to let the relevant people in the council know?


Yvonne Leslie, Southern Railways

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