St. Helier Named Best in the Nation

The hip fracture clinic at St. Helier hospital has been named the best in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This valuable clinic would be lost if St.Helier’s A&E services were cut. The National Hip Fracture Database Report 2013, which measured 180 clinics across the country, found that:

·         The time it takes for a patient at St Helier to go to surgery following admission has reduced from 47 hours in 2010 to 19.8 hours in 2013, against a national average of 31.7 hours.  This makes the Trust the third highest achieving in the country for the percentage of patients operated on the day of or day after admission.

·         99% of patients receive a bone health and falls risk assessment before being discharged, ensuring that they will be better able to cope at home and reducing the chance of a similar injury occurring again.  That’s against a national average of 93% and 92% respectively.

·          89% of patients were assessed by an orthogeriatrican (a medical specialist skilled in the care of elderly patients who have a fracture) before they go in for surgery (the national average is 43%).

·         93.5% of patients have surgery within 48 hours of coming to hospital (against an average of 53%).

St. Helier is doing a fantastic job and this shows we have to do all we can to protect our outstanding local hospital. Sign the petition at


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