Obstructive parking/Yellow Line Schemes in Carshalton Central neighbourhood

Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “Sutton Council will be advertising proposals for yellow line schemes at junctions as part of the on-going Environmental Improvement Programme. We’re advised that the Notice of Proposal will be advertised in the Sutton Guardian and London Gazette and will also be displayed in the relevant roads on Thursday 14th November 2013.”

The list of affected roads is below.
  • Fairview Road, Sutton
  • Croft Road, Corrib Road and Meadow Road, Sutton
  • Croft Road and Ringstead Road, Sutton
  • Harrow Road and Oxford Road, Carshalton

Please address any observations on this proposal to traffic.postbook@sutton.gov.uk the consultation ends Thursday 5th December 2013. The officer dealing with these schemes is Denise Thompson, Technical Support Officer, Highways, Transport and Smarter Travel, Environment and Neighbourhoods Directorate, London Borough of Sutton, 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2JG. Her E-mail is:denise.thompson@sutton.gov.uk

Sutton Council Tax unchanged since 2010



Local NHS Services: Statement regarding Surrey Downs CCG vote on so called “Better Services Better Value”

Jill and Alan at the Save the St Helier Hospital picnic on 8th September 2012

Jill and Alan at St Helier Hospital

Leader of Sutton Council, Ruth Dombey, said:

“I am delighted that Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group has voted to withdraw from the Better Services, Better Value (BSBV) programme. This is a significant blow to the proposed changes to health services in south west London. The CCG’s vote is confirmation that BSBV is deeply flawed – both clinically and financially. Frankly, the process should be abandoned immediately to save the waste of any more public money.I have said all along that BSBV was never the answer, but I acknowledge that a review of services is necessary. What we need is high quality, reliable and accessible hospital and community health services. At the moment, too many people go to accident and emergency and end up in hospital.  This has to change. I hope that Sutton Clinical Commissioning Group will take stock of this decision before deciding what next steps to take. We are ready to work closely with the CCG to find a way forward”.

Smartening Up Carshalton

Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “Work will shortly start in this area to make various improvements such as the repainting of faded yellow and white lines on roads, pruning of existing and planting of new street trees and repairing of potholes. These improvements will make a real difference to the look of the area.”sutton_council_logo

First ever Jobs and Apprenticeship Fair comes to Sutton, 14th November.

Holiday Inn, Sutton - venue for the jobs & apprentices fair

Holiday Inn, Sutton – venue for the first-ever jobs & apprentices fair

Sutton MPs Tom Brake and Paul Burstow have teamed up with Sutton Council to bring the first ever Jobs and Apprenticeship Fair to Sutton.

Young people from across the Borough will be able to find out about the benefits of apprenticeships and speak to prospective employers about the opportunities they offer.

The event is free and will take place at the Junction Restaurant, Sutton Holiday Inn, Gibson Road, at 1pm on the 14th of November. It will follow the “Matching Skills with Demand” Conference, which is bringing together local schools, employers, and training providers to discuss how local young people can be best equipped with skill sets that will be needed in Sutton in the near future.

2,060 new apprenticeships have been created in Sutton since 2010, but Sutton’s Lib Dems MPs and the Lib Dem-run Council want to go even further. As part of the event, a borough-wide campaign will be launched looking to create ‘100 Jobs in 100 Days’. Together with Sutton Council, Tom Brake and Paul Burstow will work to boost opportunities in the local area and encourage business to introduce paid apprenticeships and more local job seekers to sign up to them.

Cllr Jayne McCoy said:

“Creating more jobs and opportunities, especially for young people, is top of our list of priorities. Paid on-the-job training for local people is crucial to creating a stronger economy in the borough, and offers great benefits to growing businesses. Jobseekers stand to gain valuable work experience from the scheme and businesses benefit from a range of motivated employees they can train up to become a valuable part of their workforce.”

Tom Brake MP said:

“Having an apprentice in my own office, I know just how much this can benefit any employer and about the skills and opportunities young people gain through apprenticeships. I would encourage any young or unemployed person in Sutton who would like to find out more about apprenticeship to come along.”

Paul Burstow MP added:

“I am delighted to promote this opportunity to local businesses and young people. I will continue to work with employers to ensure that we are arming the next generation with the skills they need in order to face the demands of a changing job market.”

Parker Close off Salisbury Road: Major Planning Application

Cllr. Alan Salter reports: “Sutton Council has recently received a major planning application no. C2013/67895/FUL for the change of use and conversion/alteration of the existing care home in Parker Close off Salisbury Road into six flats/houses plus a new two storey house on the site”.

Sutton-20131110-00764Cllr. Jill Whitehead (pictured) adds: “The site is located between the back gardens of properties in Salisbury Road (even numbers), Blakehall Road (evens) and Carshalton Park Road (odds).”

The proposal is to divide the former care home into one 4-bedroomed, one 3-bedroomed with raised terrace area and four 2-bedroomed self contained dwellings.

The scheme includes alterations to existing elevations involving formation of three gable roofs and erection of a part one, part two storey two-bedroomed self contained dwelling with raised terrace area, all with associated car parking and refuse and cycle storage. You can refer to details of the application and comment upon the application by visiting the council’s web site at www.sutton.gov.uk using the reference C2013/67895/FUL.

Cllr. Hamish Pollock says: “Your three local councillors have recently met with some concerned residents in the vicinity of the site to listen to their concerns. We will ensure that local residents’ views are made known to the council’s Development Control Committee when the time comes for the application to be decided upon by the committee”. 

The date for the meeting of the committee is to be advised soon and residents in the immediate vicinity of the site should be notified by the Council’s planning department. 

Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee, Tuesday 19th November 2013 from 7.30pm at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road.

Chairman Councillor Hamish Pollock says: “Do come along to our meeting of the Carshalton & Clockhouse Local Committee on Tuesday 19th November 2013 from 7.30pm. We’ll be meeting at Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church, Banstead Road, Carshalton, which is quite near the shopping parades.”

Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church
Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church

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Highfield Hall, Carshalton Road: Future Improvements

Following the recent agreement by Sutton Council to offer the lease of Highfield Hall in Carshalton Road to the Sutton Family Church (SFC), the SFC is applying for planning consent for the change of use of the Social Club area. Cllr. Jill Whitehead says: “This will allow SFC to make improvements to the whole building, including attending to the leaking roof which will be repaired and renovated. The refurbished hall will provide good quality activity and meeting spaces for the use of the local community too, especially those near the BP Garage on the Carshalton Road”.


Travelcards for Part Time Workers & Oyster Card Rip Offs

Recently at “Mayor’s Question Time” the London Mayor refused to further consider the merits of a travelcard for part-time workers. Following questioning from Lib Dem Assembly Member, Caroline Pidgeon, the Mayor, who is chair of Transport for London, gave a clear cut reply that he had ruled out any further consideration of the proposal.  His stance led to criticisms even from Conservative Assembly Members.

Following the Mayor’s reply the Lib Dem GLA member Caroline Pidgeon said:  “The Mayor’s categorical statement that he will not consider further introducing a travelcard to cover part-time workers is deeply disappointing. Already 900,000 people in London work part-time and the figure is rapidly increasing. Daily caps on Oyster simply don’t provide the same good deal for the many people who need to get to an office three days a week.  Ultimately the whole travelcard system is centred around the old fashioned idea of everyone working a five day week in an office environment.  That simply isn’t the real working experience anymore for many people. The Mayor, as chair of Transport for London, should stop making excuses and instead ensure that people who work part-time or regularly work from home are given a fair deal.”Transport-for-London1

Carshalton All Saints Church and Remembrance Sunday 10th November

British-Legion-Poppy[1]Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. On this day people across the nation pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by our brave Service men and women. Remembrance Sunday will fall on Sunday 10 November in 2013.

This coming Sunday, 10th November, the High Mass at Carshalton All Saints’ Church by Carshalton Ponds is at 9:30am, followed by an open-air remembrance service right by the War Memorial by the Ponds lasting till past a short while 11am.

Council leader gives rally cry for poppy appeal volunteers

The leader of Sutton Council is calling upon local people to help the borough remember those lost during the First World War and subsequent conflicts by volunteering to sell poppies.

Cllr Ruth Dombey is giving her backing to the Royal British Legion’s appeal for Sutton’s residents to sign up and become volunteers for this year’s poppy sale ahead of November’s Remembrance Day. And to show her commitment, Cllr Dombey joined other volunteers to sell poppies herself in the borough on Saturday 26 October. Cllr Ruth Dombey, Leader of Sutton Council said: “Remembrance Day is an important date in our calendar.

On this day we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our peaceful way of life and I’d urge people to contact the British Legion and spare whatever time they can to join us and help sell poppies.” Flt Lt Shaun Whitehead from the 219 (Sutton & Cheam) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets said: “All the money raised goes the British Legion in support of those servicemen and women serving today and in the past. The British Legion looks after families as well of the wounded and the fallen the cadets from 219 (Sutton & Cheam) Squadron and along with other volunteers work hard to raise the funds needed in support of the national appeal.” In previous years, poppy selling only started two days before Remembrance Sunday, but this year sales will start on Saturday October 26 – three weeks before the day.

The money collected will go to serving men and women of our armed services and their dependants and to all those that have served in the armed forces and their dependants in the past. Remembrance Day this year is Sunday 10th November 2013.
