Parker Close, Salisbury Road – Planning Application

Cllr. Alan Salter says: “A planning application no: C2013/67895/FUL has recently been received by Sutton Council for Oakhurst,  1 Parker Close, off Salisbury Road Carshalton SM5 3HF.”

The  Proposal is for… “A change of use of care home into one 4 bedroomed, one 3 bedroomed with raised terrace area and four 2 bedroomed self contained dwellings, alterations to existing elevations involving formation of three gable roofs and erection of a part one, part two storey two bedroomed self contained dwelling with raised terrace area, all with associated car parking and refuse and cycle storage.” 

Local residents who may be affected will be those living in Salisbury Road, Carshalton Park Road and Blakehall Road.  If/when these proposals come to the Council’s Development Control Committee, your local councillors will ensure that local residents’ views are taken into account when the application comes up for decision.

You can see the details by clicking on:-


International Older Peoples Day – Friday 4th October 2013 at Sutton Central Library

Age UK Event

Celebrate with Esther Rantzen CBE on Friday 4th October 2013 from 10:30am to 1:30pm in the Europa Gallery, Sutton Central Library.

Meet your local MPs Tom Brake and Paul Burstow, stay active and enjoy life, exercise and musical taster sessions, volunteering and employment opportunities, experience the wide range of services that local charities and businesses have to offer.

Tea and Coffee will be available free of charge.

Carshalton Village signs

Carshalton Sign

Carshalton Sign

After some discussion recently the Council have decided to install some signage in Carshalton…

Cllr. Hamish Pollock, chair of the Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee says: “Many local residents felt that Carshalton needed some signs like other parts of the borough and we agreed with them. A signage proposal came to the council’s Carshalton & Clockhouse local committee and was agreed by those present.”

Here is the artwork for the new signs for the Carshalton Village area.

The Council will be initially ordering two single sided post mounted signs with applied vinyl detail protected with anti graffiti laminate. The panels will be painted green on both sides.

The locations will be in West Street and North Street as you enter the heart of the Village.

The designers have used the Arial font lettering which is acceptable in to the “Sutton” Brand Guidelines.  They have used white text because the gold lettering that we wanted originally isn’t clearly distinguishable on the colour of green background that we originally asked for. They advised us that white reads better and has better clarity. We hope that the signs can be installed soon and give Carshalton an even stronger identity.

St. Helier Named Best in the Nation

The hip fracture clinic at St. Helier hospital has been named the best in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. This valuable clinic would be lost if St.Helier’s A&E services were cut. The National Hip Fracture Database Report 2013, which measured 180 clinics across the country, found that:

·         The time it takes for a patient at St Helier to go to surgery following admission has reduced from 47 hours in 2010 to 19.8 hours in 2013, against a national average of 31.7 hours.  This makes the Trust the third highest achieving in the country for the percentage of patients operated on the day of or day after admission.

·         99% of patients receive a bone health and falls risk assessment before being discharged, ensuring that they will be better able to cope at home and reducing the chance of a similar injury occurring again.  That’s against a national average of 93% and 92% respectively.

·          89% of patients were assessed by an orthogeriatrican (a medical specialist skilled in the care of elderly patients who have a fracture) before they go in for surgery (the national average is 43%).

·         93.5% of patients have surgery within 48 hours of coming to hospital (against an average of 53%).

St. Helier is doing a fantastic job and this shows we have to do all we can to protect our outstanding local hospital. Sign the petition at


Sutton Station set for £1.3 million revamp


Many Carshalton Central residents who use Sutton Town Centre for shopping or for work may be interested in the £1.3million revamp of Sutton station which is set to provide a better service for commuters, businesses and shoppers.

The work is intended to improve the interchange and accessibility around the station, and linkages to the town centre.  It includes opening up a new entrance from The Quadrant, extending the station building and installing new barriers, ticket machines, CCTV and lighting. It will also include improvements to public transport, cycle and pedestrian facilities and enhancements to the public realm.

Cllr Simon Wales, Chair of the Sutton Gateway Project Board, said: “This is an important scheme that should provide huge benefits to everyone who uses the station.

“The station and the surrounding area will look better and it will be quicker, easier and safer to get in and out, buy tickets and get on a train.”

Development of the project, funded by Transport for London, Network Rail and Sutton, is underway now. Works to introduce the new access to the station are expected to start in December this year for completion by March. The designs for the proposals around the station will go out to public consultation in February next year and work is expected to begin in July.

The station deals with almost six million passenger movements a year and it has been identified as one of the 18 most congested stations in London.

The aims of the project improve accessibility to the station as well as enhancing the area around it and supporting the overall growth of Sutton town centre by creating a more attractive experience for visitors arriving at the high street from the station area.

The alterations will set the tone for Sutton, as well as providing practical support to local business ­- near to the station and beyond – with improved transport links and overall accessibility. The council will work with local residents, businesses and community stakeholders through a Stakeholder Group to develop the scheme, as well as going to public consultation. If you want to get involved please contact

Tragic Accident at The Ponds in Carshalton Village

The High Street, Pound Street, Carshalton Road etc. and the rest of the A232 road through our area is a Red Route and since 1999 the road is completely owned and controlled by Transport for London and not Sutton Council.

From a story in the local “Sutton Guardian”:

A 54-year-old man was hit by a goods lorry as he tried to cross Pound Street near Carshalton Ponds at 9.30am on Monday, 16th September 2013.

Carshalton Ponds scene of the tragic accident

Carshalton Ponds scene of the tragic accident

Jill Whitehead Carshalton Central councillor said: “The council has no control over what happens on a TFL red route, which we find frustrating. 

“However, this is a dangerous corner and it is where there have been some incidents of cars going into the ponds on occasions. The ward councillors welcome ideas for road safety in the red route area, which we can take to TFL who run this stretch of road.

“I have also asked council officers to urgently look into the incident and make suggestions to TFL for road improvements in this area.”

Politicians have been contacting Transport for London (TfL), who own the road, while people on social networking sites have been calling for a road safety petition.

Tom Brake, MP for Carshalton and Wallington, said: “It is clearly a very tragic case and I will be talking to Sutton Council and Transport for London about whether there are road safety improvements that can be made at that point.

“Some residents may be keen to introduce a one way system although that was tried in the past as one of the concerns was that it was traffic speed.

“From a road safety point of view it doesn’t necessarily provide the perfect solution but anything that could improve road safety in that area I will be pushing for.”

School Meals

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg used his speech to the Liberal Democrat party conference to announce that all pupils at infant schools in England are to get free school lunches from September 2014, with equivalent funding for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Nick Clegg and school dinners (Dave Radcliffe)

In addition, disadvantaged students at sixth form colleges and further education colleges in England will also be eligible for free school meals also from next September. Money is also being provided for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but as education is a devolved issue, it will be up to those running schools there to decide whether to spend the money on free lunches.

Free school meals were one recommendation in The School Food Plan, commisioned by the Government and launched in July by Henry Dimbleby and John Vincent. They found that in pilots where all children had been given a free school dinner, students were academically months ahead of their peers.

Open House at Honeywood

Cllr. Hamish Pollock attended the “Open House” at Honeywood Museum today Sunday, 22nd September 2013 (please see our previous posting on Open House).  The museum is near Carshalton Ponds and indeed the front overlooks the west or Upper Pond.

A fantastic museum has been developed by the Council over the years, particularly since the recent refurbishment, with lots of interesting stuff about the people of the borough, and Carshalton in particular has widespread coverage. Well worth a visit – for FREE!

Honeywood in full bloom on 22nd September

Honeywood in full bloom on 22nd September


Westmead House News from Planning Department

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

Westmead House, 123 Westmead Road

Dear Councillor,

I have been in contact with the agents of Westmead House that are likely to be appointed by the new developers to discharge the conditions on the planning permissions for the development of the site. They have advised
me that it is the intention to develop the residential part of the site (not the care home element which I believe is under different ownership). The proposal is to develop in accordance with permission 66531 (4 three bed
semi-detached houses fronting Cowper Avenue) and the remainder of the larger permission 64032 (5 houses fronting Kingsley Avenue).

The new owners have only just taken control of the site and the recent works have been in respect of ensuring that the site is safe and secure and ready for development, following their initial possession of the site. I do not believe that any further works are proposed other than this – but please do let me know if this is not the case.  I am expecting applications for the discharge of conditions in respect of both applications to be submitted within the next few weeks.

I trust this clarifies the position.


Warren Pierson – Planning Officer – London Borough of Sutton
telephone: 020-8770 6215

Dumped Rubbish and Tree Prunings in The Square, Carshalton by the Old Library

Cllr. Hamish Pollock has recently reported the dumped rubbish and tree prunings by the large tree outside of the entrance to the Old Library building, The Square, Carshalton as well as the redundant Library Opening hours sign still on the wall of the building.

A council officer has replied that the matters are being attended to. The officer says:-

I have this morning spoken to the proprietor of Cherrubin Nurseries who purchased the library, Andrew Brown and he explained as follows in relation to the points of this enquiry; 

1)    The huge pile of pruning’s etc is fly tip and while they have had one skip placed to accommodate their own waste, with another on its way, they don’t feel they should be responsible for other people’s fly tip. I will now liaise with colleagues about the grounds for removal of fly tip by the Council or otherwise, Andrew will send me a picture of the said fly tip today. Personally I think that if a site where building works are occurring is not kept very tidy it does tend to attract more rubbish, and perhaps that is what has happened here.

2)    They have now received planning (permission) but during that process had to provide Heritage statements etc and were very aware of the vernacular sensitivity so have been reluctant to remove any signage for fear of upsetting anyone. They will now remove the signage.